Saturday, December 29, 2007

sick cat????????????

my account balance still zero!

2 days alr hor!

maybe 本小姐 nv 发威,they think i am 病猫

i hope the bank still open now
i wan to to go and 发威 and get my money back

a bunch of morons
moronic machines!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

china banks

i just came back fr e bank

and over at e china bank
i deposited 700 RMB into my china bank alc. first time using e deposit service

i got the shock of my life when i checked my alc balance n it turns out to be 0

nobody can joke ard with my money ok
not even atm machines!

so i chiong st up to e counter staff and told them abt it
luckily they say they will transfer e money back to me by tml evening

i hope they do
if not im going to make a big fuss there tml if i dont see my money!!!!!!!!!!!


out of boredom, i decided to give ZR's blog a chance

only 2 posts
bt nevertheless it reminded me of the many funny happenings during the period when we were all working together

e latest thing i heard about cw scotts is...
isetan is having private sales(again) today!


e funniest thing i heard aft leaving isetan is e g2000 guy

fr what i remember, this g2000 guy went to e supermarket at B1 at shaw hse and stole 1 packet of peanuts.
fr there he was handcuffed (i tink) and sent to the police station where ah rong was stationed at

i cw scotts ex employee
1 g2000 current(at tat point) employee

ZR: why u steal?
g2000: bcoz i forget to bring money down and i lazy to go back take

nothing tops this


i brought a watch yesterday!

the 日月 A. i chose a orange strap
60 SGD
heart pain

bt originally i wanted this :

signal. e top watch face
bt 80 SGD. i really can feel my heart wrenching in pain so i decided to give it a miss n get e 60SGD one instead

but now as i surf e website,
i think e 冬日恋曲 B and 格子情迷 B also very nice!

why doesnt money grow on trees?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

杭州 =)

i made a phone reservation for a hotel in hangzhou
168 RMB/night

e counter person told me tat 西湖 is just 5 mins walk away fr e hotel.
alot of pp has been telling me how beautiful 西湖 is. hope i dont get disappointed

just went to some place near my workplace to get e train tickets

i brought 810am tickets for 30 dec
上海南站 to 杭州站
i tink i will reach at 11am

my return ticket is on 31 dec
杭州站 to 上海南站
2.55pm. i guess i will reach at ard 5pm

e 2 tixs cost me 107 RMB

bah... im looking forward to tis trip
esp bcoz i will be going alone
dont know what hangzhou will bring
hopefully its good. hopefully i'l b recharged aft tis short trip

希望在那里可以找回我这些日子以来不见的东西 =)



life is never easy
living is an art

its just so diff to please everybody in work
its also diff to find a balance. with the good...comes the bad
it will nv be easy, when the whole naked truth is presented before your eyes

i need a getaway

hangzhou on sun alone
will be staying for e night
hopefully i'l return recharged, refreshed

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry merry christmas everybody!

and yes, i have not forgotten abt tis,

happy happy birthday to JEREMY! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

dong zhi!

im watching some jap movie

and shangzhao n kevin are in my room loading some soccer program to watch
they are super noisy. can even hear them when i hv my earphones on
can nv understand whats e hype with soccer

today is dong zhi
e day for eating tang yuan
cannot reunion tog with family. but got 2 noisy frens
no tang yuan, but got 旺仔小丸子!

Friday, December 21, 2007

friday is not my lucky day anymore:(

i just came back from lunch and i am so pissed off with myself

i went to the mall nearby with cathy after eating cos it was our routine to go walk around aft that
then we wanted to have ice cream. so she went to buy 2 ice cream cones fr anderson (choco yummy!) and i went to withdraw money

i withdrew 200rmb n just nice cathy came to look for me with e ice cream
so with 1 hand holding my ice cream cone, another hand holding my hp n wallet, i was pretty lazy to open my wallet n put e money in


n aft half hour i discovered my money missing!!!!
must be i nv push the money down my front pocket carefully den i walk walk walk and e money drop out!

i think i am very stupid and i deserve to be shot in the head
i think i am very stupid and i deserve to be shot in the head
i think i am very stupid and i deserve to be shot in the head

been chanting this for the umpteen time since i discovered my money missing
fri is supposed to be my lucky day!!!!

but nvm, bcoz i am a very optimistic person (who wont be aft losing 200 SGD in spore and somemore is misteriously disappear into thin air? plus not forgetting the stupid incident of losing my IC, cash of $80+ and bank card on e bus), i decided that losing money will be better than losing my posb bank card

luckily is e money 不见
if my posb bank card also decide to do disappearing act
i really will kill myself for u all to see

bcoz my 'salary' (or allowance as what NP says) is deposited into my spore bank alc =X


maybe i have the secretary face...
maybe i look easy to bully...

hello why you throw all your business expenses to me?!
i am only in charge of people cost expenses ok!
i dont noe how to do up e form for ur biz exps!
moreover im not e secretary of your direct boss!!!!!



Thursday, December 20, 2007

e season of giving and THINK HONGKONG

my vp got me a long sleeve top as a christmas present!

so nice of her!

i folded e wrapping paper nicely n kept it and the ribbon in one safe corner. hope i don forget e hiding place though. hehehe

i super e itchy fingers again


went to buy a pair of 羊毛手套 for 85 rmb!!!!!!!!!!!
still shop n shop when im so broke. boooo:(

btw you guys ready to THINK HONGKONG??
go !

Monday, December 17, 2007

formal invoices, receipts n debit notes!

what is a formal invoice?

what is a receipt?

what is a debit note?

i dont noe if e companies in spore operate e same way..but at least for my company, for any reimbursements, the employees will need to support with formal invoice. for all shops, normally when we buy food, they will only give us the receipt

take kfc for example
i went over to buy 5 boxes of nuggets for e bdae party tat i was organizing for e co n there wasnt even a receipt given. i had to specially request for a 发票.

n hor, e 发票 is handwritten somemore.

breadtalk also e same
they will give u receipt. or dont give you receipt.
bt they def will not give u e 发票, unless u ask for it

super troublesome!

i hv been receiving alot of weird expenses nowadays
weird nvm
don hv 发票!
give me receipts and debit note!

i want to faint
hv been making lots n lots of phone calls to request for 发票

金额是 $XXX
收件人请写: Angie
我洴给你吧:A, n 一个门 (m is 两个门), g, i, e

standard dialogue everyday

i hv a landlord calling me 小郭 when i told him my surname was 郭. from then on, he called me 小郭 whenever i call him to chase for invoices


not cute at all =.=

Sunday, December 16, 2007

the last...

we were on e bed side by side talking until we finally fell asleep

last min packing

went to xing wang to eat with wq, serene, sz n kevin. spend a total of 721Rmb, out of which 500Rmb was reimbursed. we ordered more than 10 dishes, had alot of bo luo buns n desserts.

that was the most enjoyable and relaxed dinner i had in e past 2 weeks

nope, i didnt cry. but i felt sad

just came back
i hv e room to myself now
1 person with everything in 2s is making me feel so alone

how i wish, i knew abt it earlier
mayb things wld hv been diff
可惜, 千金难买早知道

nevertheless, jiayou!
pls email me ok!
still e same old sentence. u know what i wan to say right...

ps: pls contact me at 13524856349. i used up e value in my prev card so i will top up for my prev card until i use up all e value in tis new card

pss: thanks to my family n frens who believed and supported me thru e whole episode. i love you guys, and im glad to have you guys(:

Friday, December 14, 2007


- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
elloz =)

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:

- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
so free?

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
haha. quite lor. u also what. can find me chat

- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
u so far ma

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
haha. far meh? u pay $1000 u can see me liaoz what. muahahaha

- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
u sound like some animal from the zoo
- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
pay to see u
- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
do i get to feed u too?
- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
excuse me. i meant air ticket ok! hahaha

when it feels like my whole world is crashing down on me,
i wish i hv wings so that i can fly back to spore
i wish i can slp on forever and not wake up
i wish i can just hide myself in the comfort of my family and frens

so many things happened in the past 1 week
i dont know who to trust
and who not to trust

during this kind of moments, i wonder
did i make a right decision in coming over to shanghai for oiap?
maybe not

Thursday, December 13, 2007


mango is having sales now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

god, please bestow money to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


today i was late for wrk
cos i took a damn bloody cab to wrk
e cab took me 1 hr 10mins n costs me 54RMB

n then e cab driver was asking me all sorts of qns aft knowing tat im fr spore
ask me e population size, former prime minister, independence date, date when e mrt was built, how to apply to b a permanent resident..etc

all e date hor, i dont really rmb
so i 大概大概 bomb a date n figure for him
i hope i don throw spore face...



Monday, December 10, 2007

moreee options

I was discussing with sb online about ACCA

And we came to the conclusion that ACCA is really expensive. Think 1 module is $460, excluding revision lecture. And if we get exemption, we have 10 modules, meaning we have to prepare around $6000+. If no exemption, we have 14 modules, and we will have to prepare 7000+

So I went on to consider my second option, human resource

I used to think that HR is useless, nothing much to do type. But my attachment taught me otherwise. Being posted to the regional human resource department I think is one of the luckiest thing that happened in my whole 3 years of poly life

Its not everyday I can get to handle housing and other benefits for all the expatriates, organize birthday parties every month for the employees, filling tax and speaking on the phone(in Chinese somemore!) with landlords and agents to push them for invoices.

But sadly, I surf the net for human resources uni degrees and I think human resources is only an elective in the business degree.

That was before I came across this on the MDIS website:

Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
(Recognised by Southern Cross University, AUS)

Structure & Duration:
• Duration of 9 months. Two modules in semester 1 and three modules in semester 2.
• Interested applicants can also enrol on a modular basis for the acquisition of
knowledge in a particular area of study.

Admission Criteria:
• Degree / Diploma from a recognised university or institution and have preferably 2 years of working experience.
• Students who enrol and attend only certain modules for the acquisition of
knowledge are not required to meet the above minimum entry requirements.

Administrative Details:

Mode of Study- Evening Programme

Class Intake for 2008 March and September
Application Processing Fee
S$ 30.00* (Non-refundable)

Course Fee
By Full Payment : S$ 3,500.00*
By 2 Instalments : S$ 3,700.00*

Closing Date
2 weeks before commencement of the course or when the class is full.

Course Curriculum:
• Employee Relations
• Human Capital Management
• Organisation Development
• Organisational Behaviour
• Managing Compensation & Benefits

im really interested in the managing compensation & benefits
but MDIS..... 读了文凭有用的吗?
only got evening class. very the sianz
somemore must pay 3500++! might as well go save money and take ACCA right!
and.... what is a graduate diploma?

falling in love with...

serene has been telling me to go study full time ACCA with her after our attachment ends

but.. im still considering
cos i dont know if im up to it
and the fees... are not cheap

i think most likely i will just get a job after e attachment ends. and if im still interested, theres always part time ACCA right?

anw i have been watching vcds for my last weekend. n last last weekend. n last last last weekend. such a lazy bum!

i think i...
i think i am...
i think i am falling in love with...

andy lau

muahahaha! cos i re-watched all his old shows. damn nice!

Friday, December 7, 2007


yesterday on my way home, i saw e 3 men whom i mentioned in a previous blog entry abt them getting water from the red pipe

this time
im really amazed by them
i think my eyeballs almost drop out

they were bbq-ing on e side of e road using just some charcoal which they laid on the ground!

i peifu them hands down

sidenote: Jeremy is away to HongKong on vacation today!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

shipping costs:(

i thought of shipping part of my stuff back to spore
so i went to the DHL website to see see look look

i anyhow navigate
den i choose what jumbo junior box and 20kg allowance (10 for me n another 10 for serene)
1100+ RMB

i hope is i stupid
choose e wrong option
mayb e correct one cheaper

if not
kill me please:(

Friday, November 30, 2007


sat, 450pm
Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo
Copyright 2006, Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP)

What's wrong, what's getting you down?
Is it something I might have said?
You're walking around
With your head to the ground
And your eyes are watery red
I know you've been through tough times
Kicked around, thrown to the ground
But you've always been the strong one
So don't tell me that nobody gets you'
Cause I'm standing in your corner
Knocking at your door
You don't have to be alone
Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'Cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter, my friend
We share a bond, you and I, we belong
We're like coffee and morning train
You strip my defenses
I catch your pretenses
The same blood runs through our veins
I swore I'd be your lifeline
Made a vow that I'd surround you
With love at every milestone
I'll listen when nobody gets you
I'm still standing in your corner
Waiting by your door
You don't have to be alone
Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'Cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter, my friend
It was not too long ago
You sought to understand
You helped me mend
Remember when
So promise me you'll call my name
Let me be an answer
'Cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter, my friend
i know i know
sometimes life aint so smooth
and there are lots of ups and downs that we hv to go thru by ourselves

but sometimes i wish...

when my wrk is not gg so smoothly
when i am feeling down
when i dont feel like talking

a fren will pop by and tell me she will be my shelter

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

e simple joys in life

wed, 115pm

super 倒霉

yesterday i take e train back home, i wear my boots my feet is super pain sia
i see left like 3 stops. so i still hope can faster reach my stop den can go home
but e train just have to suddenly jerk
den tis woman beside me cannot keep her balance
she accidentally zham my toes 大大力

wah really really bth
i screamed in pain den all e pp in e cabin turn to look at me
i paiseh. don dare to make anymore noise

i clutch my bag in pain. i tink i 忍 e pain until my face going to turn green
i wear high heels. den first day wear alr so pain. n walk so long journey. e stupid woman go n zham my toes!!!!!!


i 一边 walk, 一边 tink i v ke lianz
ming ming so pain. cannot scold e bloody woman
den always kana tat kind of what touch e backside n breast thing

i saw 3 men v happily collecting water using dirty styroform boxes at that red colour pipe thing.
tat kind look abit like fire extinguisher one. don noe how they unscrew e thing
n e water looks dirty
e boxes also dirty

i find myself pitiful after being zham on e toes and these pp are happy over a source of water they hv discovered that is most probably unclean?

cannot 埋怨 liaoz
i shd be happy with what i have


Monday, November 26, 2007

tuesday is my unlucky day

tues, 10am

645am, e convo with serene went like tis:

me: wah, 很冷 leh. 我的脚冷到不行。今晚我要穿袜子睡觉了。为什么这么冷 huh?
serene: 因为没有开 air con 吗!
me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 为什么会没有开?!?!?!?!
serene: 因为 controller 在你床上。你没有开

how stupid! i happily assume e aircon was on den i went to sleep
i wake up so many times in e night bcoz it was so cold bt i nv check e aircon on or not:(

den i wore e boots tat i just bought yesterday cos e weather today is colddddd
but only cold for a few days. den will 回温 i tink
tats what e newspapers stated
haha today i 全副武装! wear coat, wear scarf, wear gloves n even wear e long john for e bottom

i don noe why e roads in china must be bricks type
e boots heel quite high. den i walk to e train station, i wanna die sia

i took e train to my workplace
when i alighted, i was looking to my right. i saw a very disgusting sight sia
one women spit alot of times on e floor in e train station
eeeeeeeeeeks! so uncivilised!
somemore she wear until nice nice

i feel v disgusted so i turn to my left
i saw 1 sign
xxxxxxx(forgot e first part, tink sth to do with being nice n poilte n civilised), 做可爱的上海人
erm, ok

i think we all need a little encouragement n motivation to be able to face all e shit thats happening in wrk n in life everyday


i always perk up aft listening this when my day is down
you guys shd too(:


i think backpacking to this kind of places would be fun!

Friday, November 23, 2007

i know im about to go crazy when i...

1. called a colleague on her extension number repeatedly for a tax thumbdrive tat i need

2. opened e prog with e thumbdrive only to discover tat e stuff i wanted cannot b printed

3. tried ways and means (including select all; copy; paste; save as) bt still to no avail

4. walk to n fro my desk to e printer to press on e 'print' button on e printer hoping tat a miracle will happen

5. supervisor calling (shes based in HK) to say tat she needs e stuff by aftnoon

6. finally give up hoping for a miracle n call e IT guy

7. time check: 1050am. called countless time. nv pick up

8. continue hoping again. press e word 'print' over n over again

9. IT guy finally picks up aft 25 (!) mins. asked him to come up to check e printer

10. discovered tat i forgotten to tell him my seat location. hv to act act take cup into e pantry (printer there also) fill water self intro n ask him to come check my laptop(he inside meddling with e printer)

11. he battled with e laptop for 45mins. i stand beside watch

12. finally its fixed! bt cannot test can print anot bcoz somebody started a print job for 80 pages *(%^*&^*&%$FGKJ)(_)%$#ED!

13. timecheck: 12pm. went inside pantry heat up food. printer was printing

14. walked over to check. printer printing supposed to b good news. bt saw it printing weird symbols out

15. e person nv cancel e print job. continue printing like tat

16. printer out of paper. i fed it with lotsa paper. continue printing

17. knew tat i was in a state of desperation when all i can think during lunch time is e printer n not e dinner tat my uncle is treating later

18. time check: 1pm. lunch over. walk inside pantry to check. printer STILL printing WEIRD SYMBOLS

19. bth. almost wanted to throw e whole printer onto e floor n smash it

20. print job finally cancelled. tried printing my own stuff. succeeded!

21. secretary call me bcoz she needs e stuff. still in e midst of printing. yz can print. yz cannot

22. time check: 230pm. met e secretary at recep there to pass her e stuff

23. found out forgotten to print 1 mth. 1 mth missing! walk back print again

24. called up supervisor in e midst of printing to ask abt some qns for e forms to b filled in

25. secretary still outside at recep waiting. time check: 345pm

26. finally she bth walk in to take fr me. just nice i print finish. wanted to fill in a form for her boss bt she say her boss will fill in himself

27. emailed supervisor abt tis. conclusion is i muz do for him cos confidential

28. left e form at e recep there for collection. time check: 430pm

29. went down to return tax thumbdrive. came back n continue to print back e same stuff for backup (bcoz i forgot to photocopy 1 set to keep). walk into e pantry. printer not wrking. another colleague come in to also wait for his stuff. we 2 stare at e printer. sianz diaoz

30. give up. walk back. decide to print on mon. colleague also give up.

31. tot everyth will b fine. but damn blogger refuses to publish my post n i got to rewrite it!!!!!!

i want to go down on my knees and beg e printer liaoz.....!!!!!
i going to pull all my hair out already!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

just read thru jeremy's and my previous entries and...

thurs, 1130pm
1. i discovered how much i missed cw scotts shaw house!
e sneaking of food behind e counter, mlr, randon selection of nicks on msn to laugh about, smoking corner (i breathe in so much second hand smoke. thank god im not dead yet), roast pork and duck rice, ice milk tea, fitting rooms, haunted store room, NRXF and e days BEFORE no more ladnr
2. i realised how ridiculously stupid i hv been for e past yr
thats it, esp aft 7/20
women who r in love are stupid
women who fall out of love r oblivious to surroundings n moronic
i have proven tat point
been there, done that
i believe OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND works
what abt u guys? (:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


yes very bored!

i am not : a spendthrift (i hope).
i am: chatting with jeremy and linda online.
i hurt: too much.
i love: too deeply, once, before.
i hate : lies.
i fear: snakes and death.
i hope: to save enough money to climb e mountains in nepal or tibet.
i play : during school?
i cry : before.
i care: for myself.
i wish: for a redo button
i always : itchy fingers (no more now?)
i listen: to people
i sing: along to songs
i dance: erm, samba? hah!
i search: for the answer on the way out
i learn: the hard way
i feel: stupid
i know: love is a pack of lies
i succeed: in making myself stupid
i fail: in love.
i dream: sometimes. just last night!
i sleep: alot. i like sleeping!
i wonder: if e truth is just like what you told me?
i need: to save up for my tour in feb.
i want: to eat spore style of chinese mixed vege rice, chicken rice, hokkien mee n western food!
i worry: when my cash is low.
i have: a bunch of good frens and a family who loves me(:
i fight: no more.
i wait: willingly for good food.
i think: of lunch (in an hr's time).
i can't help the fact that: sometimes i feel like slapping people, hah!
i stay: in shanghai, for now.
very the hungry............!
craving for all e sporean style food now!
i can hear my stomach growling
my throat has been itchy for a few days alr...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007



might try this on sat if...

i have e time
i have e mood
i have e money

oreo cheesecake!
looks nice!
i love chocolate and cheesecakes(:

Saturday, November 17, 2007

e weekly pictures update

sun, 420pm

roaarrrrr im here again! teeheeheee morning mrt doesnt look like v squeezy rite?
bt then hor, e stop i board rite, e door open is alr like tat
haven even start to squeeze in ok!
can u imagine i every morning how jw anot
鸡蛋饼! i like! i always ask cathy to help me buy for my breakfast
its like egg pancake with veggie inside

糥米饭团. very e nice! glutinous rice with 油条 inside

can choose 甜 or 咸. i like e salty one bcoz i buy b4 e sweet one. e sweet one is put sugar. i see alr i v sianz diaoz

i tink china breakfast is amazing

alot of different type to chose fr. not just e usual bread and all
i tink tat explains why i always auto wake up v early on e weekends to buy breakfast

i wake up at 7 or 8+ ok! tats really amazing man.

bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, at tis canto restaurant with cathy last wed
e food is nice. but e whole restaurant was super stuffy
i can smell all e oil on my clothes. eeeks!
she just cut short hair last month
then she always look at e mirror n say : 真烦啊! 我的头发老是翘, 早上不吹都不行. 我看还是去修一下吧!

n she everyday will say tis. bcoz aft lunch we will go toilet wash our lunchbox. den she will look in e mirror n repeat e same words everyday
muahaha, finally someone e same as me sia!don see e fried rice v sianz diaoz like tat
nice de leh!
e claypot also super duper nice!
yummy yummy!

ok, so yesterday went out with serene and wanqi
had brunch at 2pm

serene is super e dds
she say she nv style her hair. so she don let us take pics of her
but u all tell me, she style or don style got diff meh?????

we all like 番茄炒蛋! our fav!
i first time eat hear e name i feel v fan. cos i tink egg n tomato don go well tog
bt e end result, one word: fabulous!
u wil nv stop eating it once u started

n so, we finished eating at 3+ and we started to walk to tis shoping mall which is supposely 'near' our house
we walk and walk
serene went there once b4 with a colleague
so we were sort of counting on her

on e way walking there, we passed by alot of small shops and roadside stalls sellin food

yum yum. looks appetizing ya?
walked into some shops to browse thru e stuff
we bought cakes, cookies and 汤包 to eat on e way

aft quite some time we still haven reach

e weather is v bad. has been raining these few days n its brrrrrrrrr cold!
u see they wear their 羽绒服, they still feel cold
i wear my thermal colothing underneath my tude, halter top, cardigan i feel freezing cold
i tink tis is what they meant by 爱美不要命

n in e end, we nv take any bus
we decided to continue walking
aft 3 long hours of walking
we finally reached e shopping mall
by then it was 6+

guess what we saw there!

hello indian!!!!!!!!!!
we all miss u, roti prata man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i see sales!
we see sales!
we went in
im such a cheapo, haha!
they had ice cream

so fattening!

linda ur idol!!!!
i bet u nv see before black n white doraemon soft toy rite! hahaha

brrrrrrrrrr e weather is super cold now

its like 12 degrees?

today is a sunday,
which means
tml i got to wrk! groans
im hving sore throat now
potential fever virus!!!!!!!!
alrite everybody pls take care of urself!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jeremy im taking e literal meaning! haha!

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
talk abt our ton n alcohol n sandwich plan!

- J - i just don't show it. says:
got this plan meh
- J - i just don't show it. says:
how come i duno

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
since u duo duo comments i decided i gg to make sandwich for u to eat when we planning to ton tat day

haha- J - i just don't show it. says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
haha i improvise one

- J - i just don't show it. says:
its ok
- J - i just don't show it. says:
i can buy my own food

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
nono don worry. no trouble at all
安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
or u wan chinese mix rice type i also no prob de!

- J - i just don't show it. says:
its ok
- J - i just don't show it. says:
thanks anyway
- J - i just don't show it. says:
no try dun try
- J - i just don't show it. says:
no try
- J - i just don't show it. says:
cannot right
- J - i just don't show it. says:
so i cant pan u si xing right

okie thanks~
note taken
u will love my cooking. muahahahaha!


just called my mom last night

me: mommy, 我想我会 extend leh. 去北京玩。 应该会 25feb 才回来
mommy: aiyo, 你和谁?
me: serene lor, 1-5 不够时间玩 la. 所以留久一点

mommy: 每次都是只有你们两个!

me: 青年旅馆 la, 没有朋友在那边

mommy: haiyo!!!! 等下你们去那种偏僻的hor, 然后那边的人知道你们是外国人,就拿你们的房门钥匙抓掉你们就懂啊!

me: huh, 哪里会这么 suay 的。so 可以吗,怎么样?

mommy: 明年要到了才讲 la

then i told serene abt e whole convo.

serene: 我妈妈也是 leh. 那时我跟她讲我要去 overseas attachment 她 hor 讲 ->

“你不会打扫,也不会洗衣,更不会煮饭。在家什么都不会做,还要出国????? 出国有什么好?
留在新加坡有人什么都帮你做不是好?! 在新加坡 attachment 就不可以 huh???!!!

but of cos serene survived la
even thou she everyth also dont noe
cos theres me ma. muahahah! credit goes to me!!!!

i think being a mother is a very tiring job
they always worry for us(:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i knew i hv talent in baking n stuff!

wed, 950am

in e end i made sandwich for breakfast. i mashed e potatoes, mixed it with salt n black pepper, prepared bacon n eggs n piled it all on white bread with a little bit of mayo.

i decided that rice for lunch will be more filling
i whipped up lunch for 3 days in a matter of 2 hrs only!

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
your sandwich very nice!

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
especially the potato

i am very the 感动
tis is e first time serene say sth i cook is nice

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] turn it back. i would hv said no says:
hehe i also tink so leh! i eat on e way walking down i tink i genius sia!

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] turn it back. i would hv said no says:
haha e potato i got mix with black pepper

s.e.r.e.n.e says:

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
praise you a little you say you are genius liao

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
i think the butter make the potato nice

she 硬硬 don want to give me credit for my black pepper potato leh!

now i decide my 拿手好菜 will be sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


tues, 330pm

just bought (brought? damn i always mix tis up) bacon, eggs n white bread

i tink theres potatoes at home. i tink

sandwiches for lunch tml!
im gg to try my best to whip out sth nice for tml's lunch

Sunday, November 11, 2007

lazy bum

mon, 11.30am

i am such a lazy bum

i rotted my precious sat and sun at home watching dvds
(yup i finally finished 终极一家!)

and i was so lazy to get my butt out of e hse tat i suggested to serene n sz to order 外卖
we had 外卖 for two days straight
i tink i only walked out of e hse on sun morning to buy breakfast
n then i sat infront of my laptop watching shows again

i also slept for 14 hrs st on sunday evening, fr 4pm to 6am today

lazy lazy lazy!
fat fat fat!

now i gotta order 便当外卖 for e whole week cos i didnt cook yesterday

No for me!

No for e week!


Friday, November 9, 2007

weekends again! :)

friday, 550pm

ten more mins ten more mins to 6!!!!!!!
n then its e weekend again~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

finally i can shut myself at home on weekends n not face all those pp on e train

im in a good mood now, because i wanna faster go home watch 终极一家!

i hope i can reach home 平平安安
no weird pp or what
if not i will screammmmmmmmm!

but its ok
bcoz im used to my lifestyle now
i cant really rmb what happened during e last few mths. v blur to me
n every morn n nite i need to tink of how to protect myself on e train i v headache alr
plus i v fan over money

oh yes, its 3 mins to 6 now!
i got to pack!
zai jian~!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


thurs, 1140am

2 days ago, e stupid np teachers just made me feel like shaking them real hard n giving them a tight slap in e face cos they were just so irresponsible n rude

1 day ago i was being surrounded in the morning train by guys, left; right; middle; behind; and infront. one guy had his hands on my butt (like again?!)

n then aft wrk i took e train and was trying to squeeze out cos i reached my stop. one idiot man standing by e side just had to stretch his hands out just close enough to brush against my right breast bcoz he was flipping n reading e newspapers

today i was being squashed in e morn train n surrounded by guys (again!!!!!). e guy standing infront of me was adjusting his bag strap and he elbowed my left breast


e week is not getting better

e fire is burning in me

i can see the fire burning in my eyes

Monday, November 5, 2007


tues, 1155am

went for yoga yesterday

i can now stand up, bend my upper body down and touch e mat using my hands
so much stretching done

i stretch until i thought my bones going to 散掉

maybe i will be able to fit myself in a suit case soon!
my extraordinary skill(:

Saturday, November 3, 2007

pictures updates!

sat, 430pm

hello im back! with alot of photos! (finally!)
firstly, e suzhou trip
one word,
suzhou = BORING
e train station! hah! was v fun. we were squeezing inside e train trying to find seats. cos we bought 硬座. den also got tat kind of tix is stand up e whole journey one. those pp will snatch our seats. v e sianz diaoz
e china buses r still quite low tech. ticket system.
gosh e buses r so damn cramp
suzhou don hv train. only bus
so damn squeezy. n e weather during e golden week is seriously v v hot

alot of pp begging

n serene's 自恋 pics!
haha put tog abit no link

bt shui bian la
i alot of pics. lazy

e second day we went to suzhou industrial park
yes, e park e spore co kana cheated one

feels like im back in spore!!!!
感动, 感激!
e toilets look so damn nice n CLEAN


we went on e speedboat n a ride

at nite, we splited ways
e rest went to e musical fountain to watch fireworks

serene went to curl her hair!!!!

n she also dyed her hair back in shanghai!

i v peifu her
cos i was supposed to curl also
e hairdresser cut my hair into e style he wanna curl
den last min i chickened out

china hv all sorts of weird banks

alrite back to shanghaiiiiiiiiii

ma la tang!!!!!!!!

we went to try at tis shop which is not so near our hse. walk like hell

e feeling abit like newton hor. outside e shop got seats one

v nice place

bt i don like e MLT there

personally i prefer those dirty n rundown places

n i mean those really dirty n stuffy places
tats where e best MLT can b found

went to tis prima near my workplace with serene 2 weeks ago
sell sporean food
not too bad
e fried carrot cake was really nice. e chicken rice not bad also. e 肉骨茶 e soup v nice! n meat tender

bt e price is abit steep. chicken rice costs 35rmb i tink. $7
which idiot would pay $7 for a plate of chicken rice tat cost like half e px in spore only?
ya me. jw

ok v e random. im jumping now to pics of our hse
everybody is messy ok

serene want to slap me. cos my side is forever messy
haha shu see i apreciate ok. i pasted ur card up! thanks ar

my little collection of dvds (there r more)

n my messy sofa

u all tink serene is neat?!

she also messy den she sometimes throw her clothes on my sofa

so gei siaoz!!!!

e living room
haha! my flat mates r also lazy pp

e kitchen n dining table

we hv a water dispenser cos e tap water in shanghai cannot drink one
weird weird metal taste
boil alr still hv e taste
we 抛弃 our dispenser n go co kop water to drink
only shangzhao still alone fighting e battle. continue to drink. haha!

my 599 winter coat in dark brown

e bags i bought for yvonne! e other one is dark brown, not black

met up with joanne yesterday for singing session fr 12am to 6am

she v e power
i 5am bth alr
knock out on e sofa. haha!

us 6 mths ago...

who would have thought 6 mths later we will b walking down e cold cold streets of shanghai together?

life is so unpredictable. hah!

n its so freezing cold rite now
e temp chged overnight
drop to somewhere btween 10 to 16degrees
i don noe how im gg to stand winter
i wan to forever snuggle into my comforter n not walk out of e room(:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

hp, short sleeve n happy happy bdae!

fri, 940am

this morning, e water yz cold n yz hot for us. i bath until v xin ku. bath halfway e water suddenly bcum cold. in tis kind of season, cold water is a big NO NO.

n v sway, we all encounter e same problem when we bath
i tink our heater apoilt alr
v e sianz, we just fix it like 1 mth+ ago?

anw yesterday i was telling cathy abt my hp-almost-lost encounter

rmb 3 weeks ago i went to suzhou?
i put my hp in e front pocket of my shorts
we were boarding e bus. everybody wan to squeeze on e bus. so all push here n there

suddenly i feel my hp moving out of my pocket
cannot be my hp grow legs n run away by itself rite!
so i push my hp back into my pocket. den e 'legs' disappear

i nv turn ard see who la
i scared he got knife den slash me:(

n so cathy was telling me
if i ever find my hp missing on e bus again
shout to e driver :不要开门!
den borrow hp fr ur fren or whoever is standing bside u
call ur own number. den ur hp will ring n u will noe is with who

one qn is........what if my hp is always in vibration or silent mode??!!!!

we don hv ans for tis
if sway sway like tat, only can 自叹倒霉 liaoz

ok these few days hv been v cold
i finally wore my winter coat to wrk today. hehe v nice leh!
cathy also say suit me(:

den i wore a short sleeve top under e winter coat
my colleague, miao hui, amazed n ask me : 怎么穿得那么单薄啊??

cathy also v amazed : 怎么今天穿短袖啊?
me: 还好吧,我有穿大衣呢
cathy: 你看看整个 office 有谁穿短袖的?
only you! ONLY YOU!!


ok, sidenote: weekends approaching, n...


Wednesday, October 31, 2007


thurs, 1050am

every morning punctually at 1030am
e co will play those aerobics music


then this uncle sitting near me will go to one empty corner n start to jump around himself!

every morning i see e same thing bt im always amazed by him
i tink im e only one amazed
cos nobody is looking at him except me
i tink everybody 司空见惯 already

everytime he catch me looking at him i will quickly look away
i scared he invite me to jump together with him!!!!!!!

what a cute company culture

anw ltr hving bdae party again
pray for me pls

Monday, October 29, 2007

fainting spells

tues, 11am

yesterday, was very drama

i was just stops away from reaching home when i received one msg from wanqi: eh, serene fainted on the bus leh
i gasped so loud that everyone on the train turned to look at me

wanqi n another colleague rushed serene to e hospital
sz went back home to take her passport
since i was reaching home, i waited for sz den we took cab tog to e hospital

so serene was lying on those movable beds when we reached
for e first one to two hrs, her headache was so serious tat she cldnt speak. n she kept on wanting to puke

e normal routine is tis, e hospital will ask e patient to go do a CT scan, blood test, urine test nheart test. aft doing n we received e initial reports, we went to e doc. e doc told us tat everyth was normal n suggested putting her on a drip

we waited for e drip fr 10pm to 12am
serene still don feel well. still headache
e doc then ask alot alot of qns. like machine gun shoot v fast
serene headache n v weak ma. so she ans v slow
e stupid doc said: 她说话都是这样慢的吗?
he good still nvm. prob is, he asked serene to go on a drip again!!!!
so once again, she went for e drip n we waited till 2am

e hospital facilities r really really lousy
there were many many many pp waiting for their turn for diagnosis
also quite a number of pp whom like serene, lied on those movable beds
n all e docs do is tell them to go for routine check up n put on drip
still not feeling well? drip again

e drip room got like 100 seats
n e room was v v stuffy
e chairs r dirty
e room is seriously understaffed
e whole place is v low tech

e toilets r dirty
v smelly
e whole hospital like v dim n 阴沉沉
got a sense of death looming in e air
i can feel all e germs on my clothes n body. yucks!

so ended up aft e second drip, serene felt much better
so can go home
we went to see e doc again
cannot find anyth wrong with serene. 不了了之
e docs in chna really lousy la

took one day leave to take care of serene
ltr at 130pm still got to go to e hospital on behalf of serene to collect her brain scan xray or sth
stupid hospital!!
stupid doctors!!

off to hospital

mon, 530pm

serene has been sick since like last thurs?

finally she decided to see a doctor today
e clinics r located inside a hospital or sth
so off to e hospital aft we knock off!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

e very good and durable 599 winter coat

sunday, 11.30am

i spend alot yesterday.

black cardiagn- 60rmb
shawl- 10 rmb
giordano black pants(for work purposes)- 152rmb
2 bags (yes yvonne..its for you, nice one! i got taste!)- 60rmb
1 jeans fr H&M- 149rmb (so cheap!)

n so..e total damages comes up to 431rmb / 86sing

looks cheap rite?
bcoz i haven come to e most power part

i buy 1 winter coat fr H&M for 599rmb
1 winter coat cost more than all e things i buy!!!!!!!!!
its insane

i know 599 is just like 120sing
but i now equate rmb to sing
meaning, i don convert e amt back to sing to see if its cheap. cos tats deceiving
imagine buying a winter coat with 599sing!!!!!

when e cashier swipe my bank card, e machine zi-zi-zi zi zi zi zi
i can hear my heart ping-piang-piang piang piang piang
break into a thousand pieces

i consoled myself e whole night
by telling myself i will only invest in 1 good one. to last me for e 3 months
stupid winter

just came back fr grocery shopping. im gg to cook tonight again! 1 week's worth of food cooked in a day. 85rmb gone for groceries

have to start writing my perodic report ltr
ya ltr
don understand why still must write report. what a waste of time leh
e sch shd just do away with e reports

im being so grumpy here
must be e winter coat's fault

Friday, October 26, 2007

loser in drinking, itchy hands and..i love fridays!

fri 4.45pm

yest went out with sz, kevin n wq n kevin's fren fr ntu for dinner ( i seriously cannot rmb his name). ate at papa jones. not nice at all.

aft tat we went to tis pub for drinks. i had 1 glass (in sequence) of long island tea, margarita n heineken(or however it is spelt)

must be e long island tea. must be
ya u're right. i puked after i finished e heineken
n.... bcoz i felt so so so tired, i actually put my head down on e table n slept, while wq, sz n kevin continued to drink
woah. they power sia. still order magarita n dita lady

e pub was pretty alrite. theres a live band performing n pole dancing. e pole dancing was nice! hahaha! even better was, e pub (or just someone outside e pub?) offered prostitute services to kevin n sz. ask them want anot. if i wasnt fast asleep, i wld hv egged them on. HAHA!

anyway, just now i very e hands itchy
i want to slap myself for doing that
what a loser i am

serene is gg for her church cell grp today
so i hv no activities planned for today
might pop over at e bookstore just 2 train stops away fr my wrkplace

i've been buying books to read on e journey to n fro wrk. just like those cheena people
e oh-forever-so-squashed mrt spirit is to squeeze into e mrt, try to keep ur balance while reading a bk or newspapers.
majority of cheena pp do tat. don ask me how. im still trying

i love fridays(:
how about you?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

recipes needed!

its only thursday n im now starting to think of what to cook for lunch nx week.

so, calling out to my mommy, all relatives and friends:

if you happen to hv any recipe for any nice food, pls send to my email! extra thanks for soup recipes! please be detailed. best is those ingredients like thyme, catfish or what put e name in chinese ok! if not i don noe e ch name n cannot buy.

u guys can dont need send me recipe for:
- stir fry cabbage with egg

- xiao bai cai (unless is those oyster sauce with mushroom n v nice type, or 油菜, i also don mind)

- fry egg, fry egg with onion, fry egg with shrimp hard boiled egg (don worry, v simple, i know how to do ok)

- kangkong with chilli

- 榨(?)菜 with pork (e salty green veggie)

rather, i would like to have recipe for:
- fish slice soup

- stewed chicken with potatoes n carrots (mommy i know u know how to cook tis. pls send. thank u)

- any form of cakes, cookies or dessert tat doesnt require an oven (no oven at home)

- soup! (tomato soup, corn soup, white carrot soup, 咸菜鸭汤.. n more)

- steam fish (mommy must add what sour plum paste or what rite? send tis too!)

n e list just goes on n on..

might be meeting joanne on saturday night! looking forward to it(:

PS: i tink my blog is v irrtating cos its v bright n my eyes hurt fr looking at it. im gg to do some changes to it

just to add on...

just now during lunch my colleague commented that im really 历害 to cook n bring my own 便当 everyday! i think her meaning is my food looks nice to her:)


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

wonders of makeup

wednesday, 1130am

i committed a grave sin


im too tired. can u imagine walking everyday to e station for 20mins, den walk back fr e station for 20mins with high heels again?
yest still walk ard shopping. worse is i bought nothing while wanqi n serene buy quite a fair bit

so, i decided to let my skin breathe for e day
no makeup today!

n cathy told me when she saw me: 你看起来真得很累
...e wonders of makeup
my skin must hv been really terrible (tick!)
my dark eye cirlces must hv been really scary (tick!)
i mus hv looked really old n tired now (tick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

half an hr more to lunch time. im gg to interrogate cathy ltr on abt my skin. im feeling v hungry now n i want to eat my 便当 !

another of serene's 无缘无故 convo

s.e.r.e.n.e says:

s.e.r.e.n.e says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
i conclude tat u r v free

n then stop. no more reply liaoz

hehe i tink she 暗恋 me v long alr. we see each other DAY IN DAY OUT, EVEN SLP IN E SAME ROOM SHE STILL CAN YZ

i v long lan de yz with her on msn alr. i tink go back spore we both will siam each other far far away! hahaha!



but... i still like e chocolate one only. banana v sweet

kua kua kua

china hv cucumber flavoured lays leh. damn erxin. but serene like! just like her, erxin. hehe

serene, wanqi n shangzhao coming to e shopping malls at my wrkplace there to shop. we r still in e midst of sourcing for good winter clothes
fly me back to spore when winter comes ok! cold v ):

half an hr more till i knock off
shall we go prima?
hehe, prima is spore food. quite nice type. v similar to spore food
bt of cos, spore food nicer la!
(got chicken rice leh i like!)

bt ex sia, 1 meal cfm more than 30
i tink i becoming v auntie alr
just like serene

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


wed, 1130am

just ended a scary(to me) meeting with a soon-to-relocate-to-shanghai expat and my vp. in e meeting i damn stressed abt whether i got forget to print out any forms anot and before e meeting i was running ard, tidying the meeting room and stuff

so, finally its over!
but its not really over over
until e expat goes back to his home country aft tis 'look see' trip

shall stop digressing

just wanna say thanks to all e lovely and *ahem, chio pp who wished me a happy happy bdae!

extra thanks to jeremy for being e first, shu for adv wishing (and for e card, will tell you when i receive it) n jo for calling(sorry i slept alr, hahahha)

n of cos to my family and my sister for remembering (yes i owe you presents!)
to linda n cons who remembered too (i miss u guys)
to evon who left a tag on e tagboard (i rmb urs is on 27. hahaha, happy bdae in adv!)


serene, wanqi, shangzhao n kevin volunteered to celeb with me tonight. we going to this 正大广场. serene say want eat 大餐. e rest still say wanna buy present for me (wah so nice!). im touched.

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
they are all going to have birthday dinner with you today

s.e.r.e.n.e says:

s.e.r.e.n.e says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
.......... e ALL is who????????????

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
the ppl in our household only

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
they are actually very nice de lo

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
they still wanna get you a birthday gift

s.e.r.e.n.e says:
but i told them no need

s.e.r.e.n.e says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
wah so nice ar!

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
u tell them need la

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
bt u tell them give me cash

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA more reply anymore):

jeremy's reaction when i told him?

- J e r e m y - says:
you no money!
- J e r e m y - says:
you stay at home!

*hint to all: i accept cash and bank transfer. hahaha!

actually celebrate or not also e same. i don mind watching a movie alone to celeb my bdae. hahaha. tats what i did last yr. seriously i find it fun. watching movies alone is fun
反正... hahaha jeremy you know la hor!

happy happy bdae to myself(:

Monday, October 15, 2007

people with big luggages and bags shdnt be allowed on e train

waste of space
call a cab can!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


fri, 1.30pm

昨天和 kevin, wanqi, shangzhao 吃完晚餐回来后,kevin 和 shangzhao 发现他们的钱不见了!

kevin 损失 3000 RMB
shangzhao 损失 2500 RMB 和 350 SING
他们两个总共不见 8000 RMB

他们的反应很恐怖 leh

星期三晚上,kevin 和 shangzhao 把钱都锁进 shangzhao 的行李箱
还一起吃了晚餐才会来的 (除了 serene, 因为她约了朋友吃饭。她比我们更迟到家呢!)

今天早上来了一位女公安。 她也讲了一堆废话,例如:


kaoz. 他们的系统真烂。明明就注册了啊!


拜托,很多人都这样好不好!如果真不合法,那你们不是每天都忙死, 要到处去检查?



讲了这堆废话后她就走了。不是要采取指纹吗 ????????气煞!

因为大门的钥匙有 6 把
可是她只给了我们 2 把

我昨天晚上刚把银行里的钱都提取了 (service charge 的关系)

晚上要和叔叔一起吃饭。kevin 也是

我以前的烦恼和现在比,真的没什么 leh。。。。。。

e 5 people u meet in heaven!




"There are five people you meet in Heaven. Each of us was in your life for a reason. You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth" - The Blue Man


"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."


"Each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories but the stories are all one."


"Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves." - Ruby


for one more day
不错 type!

我要去找他那本- tuesdays with morrie

等一下放工了会和 kevin 去买(buy rite?) 大闸蟹
明天 serene, wanqi, shangzhao, zhengwen, judy (serene's colleague) 会在我们家吃大闸蟹大餐
而我和 kevin 就会和我叔叔吃完晚餐才回家,再吃大闸蟹!!!
吃完我就可以看我的第八号当铺了!!!! 开心:)

虽然现在才 23 度,可是有又冷又大的风!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007








老板们在会议室 SH 开会。4.45 有个生日派对。食物就放在会议事BK。 直属老板训我应该比两个秘书聪明。take initiative book HK 会议室,然后就在他们会议解束后可以直接到 HK(在隔壁) 而不是要他们等。她说,如果新加坡人的素质和一般人一样,那何必要新加坡 INTERNS 呢?

直属老板也是新加坡人。office 也有很多新家坡人。她要我证明给 office 的人我们 新加坡人的能力。

下班后会和同事,cathy,去做逾迦 (cathy 是会员)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


i had a really horrible dream yesterday

i dreamt that i was at kbox with my frens and suddenly i just started quarreling with tis person (he is 配角). den aft e whole ting he just sent all my frens home n i v stubborn refuse to let him send(wrong move).

i wait for cab v long. really v v long, still don hv cab. so i walk to another place to take cab. e place i reach ar. don noe y suddenly bcum v high like tat. i look down i almost faint. i tink i standing on either a tall building or mountain, look down is water! sea!!!!!!! e water is those green n blue type. den don noe why suddenly become got abit brown


A dream of water is an excellent sign. Dreaming of a waterfall indicates material wealth coming to you. In fact, any kind of water flow indicates enhanced income. Dreaming of a calm lake or a great expanse of water is a good sign especially if the water is clean.

i like money leh. bt how is it going to come to me???? wheres my windfall??????

dirty water suggest danger.
Blue indicates you will get out of your difficulties and problems.
Green indicates overseas travel.

i always hv to walk a long long stretch of road everyday to n fro to e train station.
sometimes get abit quiet cos its actually quite dark (e sky start to turn dark at 6)
izit i hv e windfall alr den got pp rob me???!!!!!!
green is correct cos im in shanghai now. blue..hmm..

Climbing a mountain indicates some sort of quest or project is coming your way. Successfully reaching the top indicates success. Mountains also indicate a need to overcome some major obstacles that stand in your way.Such dreams usually mean you should prepare yourself for something big that's coming into your life. How things work out depends on you and how you react. Not everyone likes to climb a mountain.

ya, i really don like to climb mountains. v tiring leh

until now still not e most power one. e most scary ting happened aft i walk away fr e place i saw e sea. nabeh suddenly got tsunami ok! i run n run den i climb up a pillar. bt e impact of e tsunami nt those big big type. v fast subside alr.

what is e meaning of this???????????
v disturbed by it

still rmb 3 yrs ago i dreamt abt death of tis particular person and sitting in e helicopter as a passenger.


If you were a passenger, it suggests some news coming into your life that could quite significantly change your attitude about something or someone.

This is the most famous of the contrary dreams where the meaning is the exact opposite of what it suggests. Dreaming of death indicates a letting go and rejuvenation of life. So death suggests a transformation and the need to be brave, and to revitalize yourself

wah aft tat dream hor, i whole person become lighter leh. let go of sth. bt then again that was 3 yrs ago la. hahaha. tat dream really..super super shuang

somebody help me decipher my dream!

Saturday, October 6, 2007


serene n kevin's money went missing in e house

serene lost 100sing n 500rmb. so tats like 1000rmb in total
kevin lost 800rmb

jw la
they v careless. kevin put his money in e drawer. serene put some of her money in her own luggage and one drawer.

now we all suspect is our maid take one. cos we always leave our room doors wide open for her to clean our rooms den we will go down for dinner. e 2 of them so careless. den we always go out eat until v late. she got plenty of time to search.

i also nv lock my luggage when i do down e day before. but i kept my money in a secret compartment of my luggage. so i tink when she open my luggage she flip e clothes see no money den move on alr. cos my clothes inside looks like it has been touched. moreover 300rmb only la. hahaha i tink she see alr she also sianz

bt then again, mayb its not her la. shdnt jump to conclusion first. muz give her benefit of doubt rite?

真是..日防夜防, 家贼难防........

Thursday, October 4, 2007

wah! these 2 guys sing power sia!

11.44am alr. haven eat breakfast. v hungry.
update again tonight. v lazy.
off vcd-ing(:


爱的束缚 任意追逐


thurs, 10pm

im back~!

alot of things to unpack

i tink my skin ar. abit chao ta alr
more abt tat another day

i gg to bath n unpack first. update tml!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

e updates as promised

mon, 10.35am
shangzhao offically moved in with us! (due to unforeseen circumstances. HAHAHA!) hes bunking in tog with kevin.
im happy
cos i don need to pay 1250rmb of rent again!
i can pay 1050rmb of rent
plus each of us take back 650rmb for e prev deposit fr him

this serene n my room. e blue bed n grey sofa is mine

tis was taken during e first week. fr e first week onwards, e corner beside my bed n e sofa is messy. super messy. even e 阿姨(maid) who helps us wash clothes n stuff, bth me. i tink she everytime come she wanna slap me.

yest i finally cleared my room, n take e clothes outside into my room
she said: 终于舍得拿进来了啊!
so sacarstic. n she keeps on criticising us. tell serene, wanqi n i not to eat so much rice cos 上海的女生都是瘦的
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will sack her if she continues to 有的没的 with us! HAHAHAHAHHAHA

went k with serene, wanqi, shangzhao n their colleagues at 徐家汇 on WEDNESDAY
its called 好乐迪 i tink. e system good leh. i tink better than kbox n partyworld

got disco lights somemore!!

i lok ugly in all e pics. wanna die. e face so damn white la! i go buy e foundation den e person keep on tell me 21 is suitable for me even thou i always use 22! look like ghost like tat. nabeh

anybody coming to shanghai soon pls tell me. e stuff here hor. those maybeline, loreal, shu umera..etc got luxury tax. so more ex den spore! tell me if u coming. i need moisturizer fr body shop. hahahha

went to eat with serene on FRIDAY at some shop near our hse

we ordered 1 veggie, 1 fish, 1 chicken, 1 soup n 1 dessert. decided to pamper ourselves cos its pay day!

i tink we crazy. 2 person order so much

paid 82rmb for tat. so each person 41rmb. 8sing dollars! 8dollars in spore cant even eat so much la! i tink when my mom see tis she gg to slap me alr. always ask me why my money spend so fast i always tell her its e food. hahahaha sorry mom

theres a big bowl of soup n theres like small little white balls inside. its called 酒酿圆子. nice type! e balls are tang yuan like tat bt with no fillings. soft n chewy! bt den tis shop one ok only. 小南国one nicer!

see 小南国 so high class!

by contrast.....

hahahah serene wear pyjamas down!

might b gg over to jo hse to ton tonight den tml morning will go st to e train station to take train to suzhou!

will be back on either wed or thursday

update u guys again!


Friday, September 28, 2007

just a little update

sat, 9.36am

seriously i got to give myself credit. i cannot imagine how i can reach wrk every morning at 9am. its like a miracle comparing to sch man.

i saw someone washing a pear WITH DETERGENT in e co's toilet!!!!
are e pears in china tat dirty?!?!

v tired. hv been reachin hm late every nite since tues. now i tink i gotten e flu bug. hope it doesnt develop into a fever

hv some pics to upload, nt v nice though. tats y im nt v enthusiatic abt uploading it. guess i'l upload it on sun, when my wrk week offically ends n then its hol time for 7 days!



i will buy back alot n alot of presents for u ok!