Saturday, November 3, 2007

pictures updates!

sat, 430pm

hello im back! with alot of photos! (finally!)
firstly, e suzhou trip
one word,
suzhou = BORING
e train station! hah! was v fun. we were squeezing inside e train trying to find seats. cos we bought 硬座. den also got tat kind of tix is stand up e whole journey one. those pp will snatch our seats. v e sianz diaoz
e china buses r still quite low tech. ticket system.
gosh e buses r so damn cramp
suzhou don hv train. only bus
so damn squeezy. n e weather during e golden week is seriously v v hot

alot of pp begging

n serene's 自恋 pics!
haha put tog abit no link

bt shui bian la
i alot of pics. lazy

e second day we went to suzhou industrial park
yes, e park e spore co kana cheated one

feels like im back in spore!!!!
感动, 感激!
e toilets look so damn nice n CLEAN


we went on e speedboat n a ride

at nite, we splited ways
e rest went to e musical fountain to watch fireworks

serene went to curl her hair!!!!

n she also dyed her hair back in shanghai!

i v peifu her
cos i was supposed to curl also
e hairdresser cut my hair into e style he wanna curl
den last min i chickened out

china hv all sorts of weird banks

alrite back to shanghaiiiiiiiiii

ma la tang!!!!!!!!

we went to try at tis shop which is not so near our hse. walk like hell

e feeling abit like newton hor. outside e shop got seats one

v nice place

bt i don like e MLT there

personally i prefer those dirty n rundown places

n i mean those really dirty n stuffy places
tats where e best MLT can b found

went to tis prima near my workplace with serene 2 weeks ago
sell sporean food
not too bad
e fried carrot cake was really nice. e chicken rice not bad also. e 肉骨茶 e soup v nice! n meat tender

bt e price is abit steep. chicken rice costs 35rmb i tink. $7
which idiot would pay $7 for a plate of chicken rice tat cost like half e px in spore only?
ya me. jw

ok v e random. im jumping now to pics of our hse
everybody is messy ok

serene want to slap me. cos my side is forever messy
haha shu see i apreciate ok. i pasted ur card up! thanks ar

my little collection of dvds (there r more)

n my messy sofa

u all tink serene is neat?!

she also messy den she sometimes throw her clothes on my sofa

so gei siaoz!!!!

e living room
haha! my flat mates r also lazy pp

e kitchen n dining table

we hv a water dispenser cos e tap water in shanghai cannot drink one
weird weird metal taste
boil alr still hv e taste
we 抛弃 our dispenser n go co kop water to drink
only shangzhao still alone fighting e battle. continue to drink. haha!

my 599 winter coat in dark brown

e bags i bought for yvonne! e other one is dark brown, not black

met up with joanne yesterday for singing session fr 12am to 6am

she v e power
i 5am bth alr
knock out on e sofa. haha!

us 6 mths ago...

who would have thought 6 mths later we will b walking down e cold cold streets of shanghai together?

life is so unpredictable. hah!

n its so freezing cold rite now
e temp chged overnight
drop to somewhere btween 10 to 16degrees
i don noe how im gg to stand winter
i wan to forever snuggle into my comforter n not walk out of e room(:

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