Thursday, December 27, 2007


out of boredom, i decided to give ZR's blog a chance

only 2 posts
bt nevertheless it reminded me of the many funny happenings during the period when we were all working together

e latest thing i heard about cw scotts is...
isetan is having private sales(again) today!


e funniest thing i heard aft leaving isetan is e g2000 guy

fr what i remember, this g2000 guy went to e supermarket at B1 at shaw hse and stole 1 packet of peanuts.
fr there he was handcuffed (i tink) and sent to the police station where ah rong was stationed at

i cw scotts ex employee
1 g2000 current(at tat point) employee

ZR: why u steal?
g2000: bcoz i forget to bring money down and i lazy to go back take

nothing tops this


i brought a watch yesterday!

the 日月 A. i chose a orange strap
60 SGD
heart pain

bt originally i wanted this :

signal. e top watch face
bt 80 SGD. i really can feel my heart wrenching in pain so i decided to give it a miss n get e 60SGD one instead

but now as i surf e website,
i think e 冬日恋曲 B and 格子情迷 B also very nice!

why doesnt money grow on trees?

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