Tuesday, October 9, 2007


i had a really horrible dream yesterday

i dreamt that i was at kbox with my frens and suddenly i just started quarreling with tis person (he is 配角). den aft e whole ting he just sent all my frens home n i v stubborn refuse to let him send(wrong move).

i wait for cab v long. really v v long, still don hv cab. so i walk to another place to take cab. e place i reach ar. don noe y suddenly bcum v high like tat. i look down i almost faint. i tink i standing on either a tall building or mountain, look down is water! sea!!!!!!! e water is those green n blue type. den don noe why suddenly become got abit brown


A dream of water is an excellent sign. Dreaming of a waterfall indicates material wealth coming to you. In fact, any kind of water flow indicates enhanced income. Dreaming of a calm lake or a great expanse of water is a good sign especially if the water is clean.

i like money leh. bt how is it going to come to me???? wheres my windfall??????

dirty water suggest danger.
Blue indicates you will get out of your difficulties and problems.
Green indicates overseas travel.

i always hv to walk a long long stretch of road everyday to n fro to e train station.
sometimes get abit quiet cos its actually quite dark (e sky start to turn dark at 6)
izit i hv e windfall alr den got pp rob me???!!!!!!
green is correct cos im in shanghai now. blue..hmm..

Climbing a mountain indicates some sort of quest or project is coming your way. Successfully reaching the top indicates success. Mountains also indicate a need to overcome some major obstacles that stand in your way.Such dreams usually mean you should prepare yourself for something big that's coming into your life. How things work out depends on you and how you react. Not everyone likes to climb a mountain.

ya, i really don like to climb mountains. v tiring leh

until now still not e most power one. e most scary ting happened aft i walk away fr e place i saw e sea. nabeh suddenly got tsunami ok! i run n run den i climb up a pillar. bt e impact of e tsunami nt those big big type. v fast subside alr.

what is e meaning of this???????????
v disturbed by it

still rmb 3 yrs ago i dreamt abt death of tis particular person and sitting in e helicopter as a passenger.


If you were a passenger, it suggests some news coming into your life that could quite significantly change your attitude about something or someone.

This is the most famous of the contrary dreams where the meaning is the exact opposite of what it suggests. Dreaming of death indicates a letting go and rejuvenation of life. So death suggests a transformation and the need to be brave, and to revitalize yourself

wah aft tat dream hor, i whole person become lighter leh. let go of sth. bt then again that was 3 yrs ago la. hahaha. tat dream really..super super shuang

somebody help me decipher my dream!

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