Wednesday, December 26, 2007

杭州 =)

i made a phone reservation for a hotel in hangzhou
168 RMB/night

e counter person told me tat 西湖 is just 5 mins walk away fr e hotel.
alot of pp has been telling me how beautiful 西湖 is. hope i dont get disappointed

just went to some place near my workplace to get e train tickets

i brought 810am tickets for 30 dec
上海南站 to 杭州站
i tink i will reach at 11am

my return ticket is on 31 dec
杭州站 to 上海南站
2.55pm. i guess i will reach at ard 5pm

e 2 tixs cost me 107 RMB

bah... im looking forward to tis trip
esp bcoz i will be going alone
dont know what hangzhou will bring
hopefully its good. hopefully i'l b recharged aft tis short trip

希望在那里可以找回我这些日子以来不见的东西 =)

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