Wednesday, November 21, 2007


yes very bored!

i am not : a spendthrift (i hope).
i am: chatting with jeremy and linda online.
i hurt: too much.
i love: too deeply, once, before.
i hate : lies.
i fear: snakes and death.
i hope: to save enough money to climb e mountains in nepal or tibet.
i play : during school?
i cry : before.
i care: for myself.
i wish: for a redo button
i always : itchy fingers (no more now?)
i listen: to people
i sing: along to songs
i dance: erm, samba? hah!
i search: for the answer on the way out
i learn: the hard way
i feel: stupid
i know: love is a pack of lies
i succeed: in making myself stupid
i fail: in love.
i dream: sometimes. just last night!
i sleep: alot. i like sleeping!
i wonder: if e truth is just like what you told me?
i need: to save up for my tour in feb.
i want: to eat spore style of chinese mixed vege rice, chicken rice, hokkien mee n western food!
i worry: when my cash is low.
i have: a bunch of good frens and a family who loves me(:
i fight: no more.
i wait: willingly for good food.
i think: of lunch (in an hr's time).
i can't help the fact that: sometimes i feel like slapping people, hah!
i stay: in shanghai, for now.
very the hungry............!
craving for all e sporean style food now!
i can hear my stomach growling
my throat has been itchy for a few days alr...

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