Thursday, November 1, 2007

hp, short sleeve n happy happy bdae!

fri, 940am

this morning, e water yz cold n yz hot for us. i bath until v xin ku. bath halfway e water suddenly bcum cold. in tis kind of season, cold water is a big NO NO.

n v sway, we all encounter e same problem when we bath
i tink our heater apoilt alr
v e sianz, we just fix it like 1 mth+ ago?

anw yesterday i was telling cathy abt my hp-almost-lost encounter

rmb 3 weeks ago i went to suzhou?
i put my hp in e front pocket of my shorts
we were boarding e bus. everybody wan to squeeze on e bus. so all push here n there

suddenly i feel my hp moving out of my pocket
cannot be my hp grow legs n run away by itself rite!
so i push my hp back into my pocket. den e 'legs' disappear

i nv turn ard see who la
i scared he got knife den slash me:(

n so cathy was telling me
if i ever find my hp missing on e bus again
shout to e driver :不要开门!
den borrow hp fr ur fren or whoever is standing bside u
call ur own number. den ur hp will ring n u will noe is with who

one qn is........what if my hp is always in vibration or silent mode??!!!!

we don hv ans for tis
if sway sway like tat, only can 自叹倒霉 liaoz

ok these few days hv been v cold
i finally wore my winter coat to wrk today. hehe v nice leh!
cathy also say suit me(:

den i wore a short sleeve top under e winter coat
my colleague, miao hui, amazed n ask me : 怎么穿得那么单薄啊??

cathy also v amazed : 怎么今天穿短袖啊?
me: 还好吧,我有穿大衣呢
cathy: 你看看整个 office 有谁穿短袖的?
only you! ONLY YOU!!


ok, sidenote: weekends approaching, n...


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