Sunday, September 30, 2007

e updates as promised

mon, 10.35am
shangzhao offically moved in with us! (due to unforeseen circumstances. HAHAHA!) hes bunking in tog with kevin.
im happy
cos i don need to pay 1250rmb of rent again!
i can pay 1050rmb of rent
plus each of us take back 650rmb for e prev deposit fr him

this serene n my room. e blue bed n grey sofa is mine

tis was taken during e first week. fr e first week onwards, e corner beside my bed n e sofa is messy. super messy. even e 阿姨(maid) who helps us wash clothes n stuff, bth me. i tink she everytime come she wanna slap me.

yest i finally cleared my room, n take e clothes outside into my room
she said: 终于舍得拿进来了啊!
so sacarstic. n she keeps on criticising us. tell serene, wanqi n i not to eat so much rice cos 上海的女生都是瘦的
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will sack her if she continues to 有的没的 with us! HAHAHAHAHHAHA

went k with serene, wanqi, shangzhao n their colleagues at 徐家汇 on WEDNESDAY
its called 好乐迪 i tink. e system good leh. i tink better than kbox n partyworld

got disco lights somemore!!

i lok ugly in all e pics. wanna die. e face so damn white la! i go buy e foundation den e person keep on tell me 21 is suitable for me even thou i always use 22! look like ghost like tat. nabeh

anybody coming to shanghai soon pls tell me. e stuff here hor. those maybeline, loreal, shu umera..etc got luxury tax. so more ex den spore! tell me if u coming. i need moisturizer fr body shop. hahahha

went to eat with serene on FRIDAY at some shop near our hse

we ordered 1 veggie, 1 fish, 1 chicken, 1 soup n 1 dessert. decided to pamper ourselves cos its pay day!

i tink we crazy. 2 person order so much

paid 82rmb for tat. so each person 41rmb. 8sing dollars! 8dollars in spore cant even eat so much la! i tink when my mom see tis she gg to slap me alr. always ask me why my money spend so fast i always tell her its e food. hahahaha sorry mom

theres a big bowl of soup n theres like small little white balls inside. its called 酒酿圆子. nice type! e balls are tang yuan like tat bt with no fillings. soft n chewy! bt den tis shop one ok only. 小南国one nicer!

see 小南国 so high class!

by contrast.....

hahahah serene wear pyjamas down!

might b gg over to jo hse to ton tonight den tml morning will go st to e train station to take train to suzhou!

will be back on either wed or thursday

update u guys again!


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