Monday, December 17, 2007

formal invoices, receipts n debit notes!

what is a formal invoice?

what is a receipt?

what is a debit note?

i dont noe if e companies in spore operate e same way..but at least for my company, for any reimbursements, the employees will need to support with formal invoice. for all shops, normally when we buy food, they will only give us the receipt

take kfc for example
i went over to buy 5 boxes of nuggets for e bdae party tat i was organizing for e co n there wasnt even a receipt given. i had to specially request for a 发票.

n hor, e 发票 is handwritten somemore.

breadtalk also e same
they will give u receipt. or dont give you receipt.
bt they def will not give u e 发票, unless u ask for it

super troublesome!

i hv been receiving alot of weird expenses nowadays
weird nvm
don hv 发票!
give me receipts and debit note!

i want to faint
hv been making lots n lots of phone calls to request for 发票

金额是 $XXX
收件人请写: Angie
我洴给你吧:A, n 一个门 (m is 两个门), g, i, e

standard dialogue everyday

i hv a landlord calling me 小郭 when i told him my surname was 郭. from then on, he called me 小郭 whenever i call him to chase for invoices


not cute at all =.=

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