Saturday, November 17, 2007

e weekly pictures update

sun, 420pm

roaarrrrr im here again! teeheeheee morning mrt doesnt look like v squeezy rite?
bt then hor, e stop i board rite, e door open is alr like tat
haven even start to squeeze in ok!
can u imagine i every morning how jw anot
鸡蛋饼! i like! i always ask cathy to help me buy for my breakfast
its like egg pancake with veggie inside

糥米饭团. very e nice! glutinous rice with 油条 inside

can choose 甜 or 咸. i like e salty one bcoz i buy b4 e sweet one. e sweet one is put sugar. i see alr i v sianz diaoz

i tink china breakfast is amazing

alot of different type to chose fr. not just e usual bread and all
i tink tat explains why i always auto wake up v early on e weekends to buy breakfast

i wake up at 7 or 8+ ok! tats really amazing man.

bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, at tis canto restaurant with cathy last wed
e food is nice. but e whole restaurant was super stuffy
i can smell all e oil on my clothes. eeeks!
she just cut short hair last month
then she always look at e mirror n say : 真烦啊! 我的头发老是翘, 早上不吹都不行. 我看还是去修一下吧!

n she everyday will say tis. bcoz aft lunch we will go toilet wash our lunchbox. den she will look in e mirror n repeat e same words everyday
muahaha, finally someone e same as me sia!don see e fried rice v sianz diaoz like tat
nice de leh!
e claypot also super duper nice!
yummy yummy!

ok, so yesterday went out with serene and wanqi
had brunch at 2pm

serene is super e dds
she say she nv style her hair. so she don let us take pics of her
but u all tell me, she style or don style got diff meh?????

we all like 番茄炒蛋! our fav!
i first time eat hear e name i feel v fan. cos i tink egg n tomato don go well tog
bt e end result, one word: fabulous!
u wil nv stop eating it once u started

n so, we finished eating at 3+ and we started to walk to tis shoping mall which is supposely 'near' our house
we walk and walk
serene went there once b4 with a colleague
so we were sort of counting on her

on e way walking there, we passed by alot of small shops and roadside stalls sellin food

yum yum. looks appetizing ya?
walked into some shops to browse thru e stuff
we bought cakes, cookies and 汤包 to eat on e way

aft quite some time we still haven reach

e weather is v bad. has been raining these few days n its brrrrrrrrr cold!
u see they wear their 羽绒服, they still feel cold
i wear my thermal colothing underneath my tude, halter top, cardigan i feel freezing cold
i tink tis is what they meant by 爱美不要命

n in e end, we nv take any bus
we decided to continue walking
aft 3 long hours of walking
we finally reached e shopping mall
by then it was 6+

guess what we saw there!

hello indian!!!!!!!!!!
we all miss u, roti prata man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i see sales!
we see sales!
we went in
im such a cheapo, haha!
they had ice cream

so fattening!

linda ur idol!!!!
i bet u nv see before black n white doraemon soft toy rite! hahaha

brrrrrrrrrr e weather is super cold now

its like 12 degrees?

today is a sunday,
which means
tml i got to wrk! groans
im hving sore throat now
potential fever virus!!!!!!!!
alrite everybody pls take care of urself!!!

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