Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jeremy im taking e literal meaning! haha!

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
talk abt our ton n alcohol n sandwich plan!

- J - i just don't show it. says:
got this plan meh
- J - i just don't show it. says:
how come i duno

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
since u duo duo comments i decided i gg to make sandwich for u to eat when we planning to ton tat day

haha- J - i just don't show it. says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
haha i improvise one

- J - i just don't show it. says:
its ok
- J - i just don't show it. says:
i can buy my own food

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
nono don worry. no trouble at all
安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
or u wan chinese mix rice type i also no prob de!

- J - i just don't show it. says:
its ok
- J - i just don't show it. says:
thanks anyway
- J - i just don't show it. says:
no try dun try
- J - i just don't show it. says:
no try
- J - i just don't show it. says:
cannot right
- J - i just don't show it. says:
so i cant pan u si xing right

okie thanks~
note taken
u will love my cooking. muahahahaha!

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