Saturday, October 6, 2007


serene n kevin's money went missing in e house

serene lost 100sing n 500rmb. so tats like 1000rmb in total
kevin lost 800rmb

jw la
they v careless. kevin put his money in e drawer. serene put some of her money in her own luggage and one drawer.

now we all suspect is our maid take one. cos we always leave our room doors wide open for her to clean our rooms den we will go down for dinner. e 2 of them so careless. den we always go out eat until v late. she got plenty of time to search.

i also nv lock my luggage when i do down e day before. but i kept my money in a secret compartment of my luggage. so i tink when she open my luggage she flip e clothes see no money den move on alr. cos my clothes inside looks like it has been touched. moreover 300rmb only la. hahaha i tink she see alr she also sianz

bt then again, mayb its not her la. shdnt jump to conclusion first. muz give her benefit of doubt rite?

真是..日防夜防, 家贼难防........

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