Friday, October 26, 2007

loser in drinking, itchy hands and..i love fridays!

fri 4.45pm

yest went out with sz, kevin n wq n kevin's fren fr ntu for dinner ( i seriously cannot rmb his name). ate at papa jones. not nice at all.

aft tat we went to tis pub for drinks. i had 1 glass (in sequence) of long island tea, margarita n heineken(or however it is spelt)

must be e long island tea. must be
ya u're right. i puked after i finished e heineken
n.... bcoz i felt so so so tired, i actually put my head down on e table n slept, while wq, sz n kevin continued to drink
woah. they power sia. still order magarita n dita lady

e pub was pretty alrite. theres a live band performing n pole dancing. e pole dancing was nice! hahaha! even better was, e pub (or just someone outside e pub?) offered prostitute services to kevin n sz. ask them want anot. if i wasnt fast asleep, i wld hv egged them on. HAHA!

anyway, just now i very e hands itchy
i want to slap myself for doing that
what a loser i am

serene is gg for her church cell grp today
so i hv no activities planned for today
might pop over at e bookstore just 2 train stops away fr my wrkplace

i've been buying books to read on e journey to n fro wrk. just like those cheena people
e oh-forever-so-squashed mrt spirit is to squeeze into e mrt, try to keep ur balance while reading a bk or newspapers.
majority of cheena pp do tat. don ask me how. im still trying

i love fridays(:
how about you?

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