Thursday, November 22, 2007

just read thru jeremy's and my previous entries and...

thurs, 1130pm
1. i discovered how much i missed cw scotts shaw house!
e sneaking of food behind e counter, mlr, randon selection of nicks on msn to laugh about, smoking corner (i breathe in so much second hand smoke. thank god im not dead yet), roast pork and duck rice, ice milk tea, fitting rooms, haunted store room, NRXF and e days BEFORE no more ladnr
2. i realised how ridiculously stupid i hv been for e past yr
thats it, esp aft 7/20
women who r in love are stupid
women who fall out of love r oblivious to surroundings n moronic
i have proven tat point
been there, done that
i believe OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND works
what abt u guys? (:

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