Monday, October 29, 2007

fainting spells

tues, 11am

yesterday, was very drama

i was just stops away from reaching home when i received one msg from wanqi: eh, serene fainted on the bus leh
i gasped so loud that everyone on the train turned to look at me

wanqi n another colleague rushed serene to e hospital
sz went back home to take her passport
since i was reaching home, i waited for sz den we took cab tog to e hospital

so serene was lying on those movable beds when we reached
for e first one to two hrs, her headache was so serious tat she cldnt speak. n she kept on wanting to puke

e normal routine is tis, e hospital will ask e patient to go do a CT scan, blood test, urine test nheart test. aft doing n we received e initial reports, we went to e doc. e doc told us tat everyth was normal n suggested putting her on a drip

we waited for e drip fr 10pm to 12am
serene still don feel well. still headache
e doc then ask alot alot of qns. like machine gun shoot v fast
serene headache n v weak ma. so she ans v slow
e stupid doc said: 她说话都是这样慢的吗?
he good still nvm. prob is, he asked serene to go on a drip again!!!!
so once again, she went for e drip n we waited till 2am

e hospital facilities r really really lousy
there were many many many pp waiting for their turn for diagnosis
also quite a number of pp whom like serene, lied on those movable beds
n all e docs do is tell them to go for routine check up n put on drip
still not feeling well? drip again

e drip room got like 100 seats
n e room was v v stuffy
e chairs r dirty
e room is seriously understaffed
e whole place is v low tech

e toilets r dirty
v smelly
e whole hospital like v dim n 阴沉沉
got a sense of death looming in e air
i can feel all e germs on my clothes n body. yucks!

so ended up aft e second drip, serene felt much better
so can go home
we went to see e doc again
cannot find anyth wrong with serene. 不了了之
e docs in chna really lousy la

took one day leave to take care of serene
ltr at 130pm still got to go to e hospital on behalf of serene to collect her brain scan xray or sth
stupid hospital!!
stupid doctors!!

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