Friday, September 28, 2007

just a little update

sat, 9.36am

seriously i got to give myself credit. i cannot imagine how i can reach wrk every morning at 9am. its like a miracle comparing to sch man.

i saw someone washing a pear WITH DETERGENT in e co's toilet!!!!
are e pears in china tat dirty?!?!

v tired. hv been reachin hm late every nite since tues. now i tink i gotten e flu bug. hope it doesnt develop into a fever

hv some pics to upload, nt v nice though. tats y im nt v enthusiatic abt uploading it. guess i'l upload it on sun, when my wrk week offically ends n then its hol time for 7 days!



i will buy back alot n alot of presents for u ok!

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