Saturday, October 27, 2007

e very good and durable 599 winter coat

sunday, 11.30am

i spend alot yesterday.

black cardiagn- 60rmb
shawl- 10 rmb
giordano black pants(for work purposes)- 152rmb
2 bags (yes yvonne..its for you, nice one! i got taste!)- 60rmb
1 jeans fr H&M- 149rmb (so cheap!)

n so..e total damages comes up to 431rmb / 86sing

looks cheap rite?
bcoz i haven come to e most power part

i buy 1 winter coat fr H&M for 599rmb
1 winter coat cost more than all e things i buy!!!!!!!!!
its insane

i know 599 is just like 120sing
but i now equate rmb to sing
meaning, i don convert e amt back to sing to see if its cheap. cos tats deceiving
imagine buying a winter coat with 599sing!!!!!

when e cashier swipe my bank card, e machine zi-zi-zi zi zi zi zi
i can hear my heart ping-piang-piang piang piang piang
break into a thousand pieces

i consoled myself e whole night
by telling myself i will only invest in 1 good one. to last me for e 3 months
stupid winter

just came back fr grocery shopping. im gg to cook tonight again! 1 week's worth of food cooked in a day. 85rmb gone for groceries

have to start writing my perodic report ltr
ya ltr
don understand why still must write report. what a waste of time leh
e sch shd just do away with e reports

im being so grumpy here
must be e winter coat's fault

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