Friday, November 23, 2007

i know im about to go crazy when i...

1. called a colleague on her extension number repeatedly for a tax thumbdrive tat i need

2. opened e prog with e thumbdrive only to discover tat e stuff i wanted cannot b printed

3. tried ways and means (including select all; copy; paste; save as) bt still to no avail

4. walk to n fro my desk to e printer to press on e 'print' button on e printer hoping tat a miracle will happen

5. supervisor calling (shes based in HK) to say tat she needs e stuff by aftnoon

6. finally give up hoping for a miracle n call e IT guy

7. time check: 1050am. called countless time. nv pick up

8. continue hoping again. press e word 'print' over n over again

9. IT guy finally picks up aft 25 (!) mins. asked him to come up to check e printer

10. discovered tat i forgotten to tell him my seat location. hv to act act take cup into e pantry (printer there also) fill water self intro n ask him to come check my laptop(he inside meddling with e printer)

11. he battled with e laptop for 45mins. i stand beside watch

12. finally its fixed! bt cannot test can print anot bcoz somebody started a print job for 80 pages *(%^*&^*&%$FGKJ)(_)%$#ED!

13. timecheck: 12pm. went inside pantry heat up food. printer was printing

14. walked over to check. printer printing supposed to b good news. bt saw it printing weird symbols out

15. e person nv cancel e print job. continue printing like tat

16. printer out of paper. i fed it with lotsa paper. continue printing

17. knew tat i was in a state of desperation when all i can think during lunch time is e printer n not e dinner tat my uncle is treating later

18. time check: 1pm. lunch over. walk inside pantry to check. printer STILL printing WEIRD SYMBOLS

19. bth. almost wanted to throw e whole printer onto e floor n smash it

20. print job finally cancelled. tried printing my own stuff. succeeded!

21. secretary call me bcoz she needs e stuff. still in e midst of printing. yz can print. yz cannot

22. time check: 230pm. met e secretary at recep there to pass her e stuff

23. found out forgotten to print 1 mth. 1 mth missing! walk back print again

24. called up supervisor in e midst of printing to ask abt some qns for e forms to b filled in

25. secretary still outside at recep waiting. time check: 345pm

26. finally she bth walk in to take fr me. just nice i print finish. wanted to fill in a form for her boss bt she say her boss will fill in himself

27. emailed supervisor abt tis. conclusion is i muz do for him cos confidential

28. left e form at e recep there for collection. time check: 430pm

29. went down to return tax thumbdrive. came back n continue to print back e same stuff for backup (bcoz i forgot to photocopy 1 set to keep). walk into e pantry. printer not wrking. another colleague come in to also wait for his stuff. we 2 stare at e printer. sianz diaoz

30. give up. walk back. decide to print on mon. colleague also give up.

31. tot everyth will b fine. but damn blogger refuses to publish my post n i got to rewrite it!!!!!!

i want to go down on my knees and beg e printer liaoz.....!!!!!
i going to pull all my hair out already!!!!

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