Monday, November 26, 2007

tuesday is my unlucky day

tues, 10am

645am, e convo with serene went like tis:

me: wah, 很冷 leh. 我的脚冷到不行。今晚我要穿袜子睡觉了。为什么这么冷 huh?
serene: 因为没有开 air con 吗!
me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 为什么会没有开?!?!?!?!
serene: 因为 controller 在你床上。你没有开

how stupid! i happily assume e aircon was on den i went to sleep
i wake up so many times in e night bcoz it was so cold bt i nv check e aircon on or not:(

den i wore e boots tat i just bought yesterday cos e weather today is colddddd
but only cold for a few days. den will 回温 i tink
tats what e newspapers stated
haha today i 全副武装! wear coat, wear scarf, wear gloves n even wear e long john for e bottom

i don noe why e roads in china must be bricks type
e boots heel quite high. den i walk to e train station, i wanna die sia

i took e train to my workplace
when i alighted, i was looking to my right. i saw a very disgusting sight sia
one women spit alot of times on e floor in e train station
eeeeeeeeeeks! so uncivilised!
somemore she wear until nice nice

i feel v disgusted so i turn to my left
i saw 1 sign
xxxxxxx(forgot e first part, tink sth to do with being nice n poilte n civilised), 做可爱的上海人
erm, ok

i think we all need a little encouragement n motivation to be able to face all e shit thats happening in wrk n in life everyday


i always perk up aft listening this when my day is down
you guys shd too(:


i think backpacking to this kind of places would be fun!

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