Saturday, June 30, 2007

introducingthe legendary mlr!
n mine!
gosh, i look at e pictures n i feel like puking alr!!!
anw, i was telling jeremy abt my 爱情万岁 story
me: 我跟你讲,如果我的 attachment 真的可以去澳门,我一定可以在那里
认识到黑帮老大的。 他一定也是很有钱,很帅,还有很大的势力。然后他的手下会不喜欢我们在一起。 可是我们一定会顽抗的爱下去!我们的主题曲就会是爱情万岁!!!
jeremy: eh, 你还有跟谁讲过?
me: jeanie 和 jane lor. 她们听了sianz diaoz leh
jeremy: den 你觉得为什么他会选你?
me: 我特别 la! 我的性格 special ok!
jeremy: 是 meh. 那你为什么会被甩?还是大大力的被甩??
me: .......
me: aiya, 一个不懂得欣赏并不代表全部都不懂得欣赏 ma!!!
den i forget he ask me to go n die or he don care me.
everyone don believe my story leh!!!
nx time when u all start receiving prada, LV and gucci bags fr me u all will thank me!!!!!!
thinking of getting a tattoo on my back, somewhere near e neck. i want to do like jeanie tat type. put my name. looks nice to me leh
but i scared pain. i scared not nice also
how! people! suggestions and opinions!!

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