Thursday, June 28, 2007

tax 2

37/55. ok la. at least i passed

got 1 part of e qn. i write so much. in e end all wrong. i got 0 for tat part!!

audit 2. tis one is super jw one. 33.5/60. u all see e part B (1), i only scored 10/25. can puke blood

but at least still pass la (thanks, im trying to 安慰 myself)

stayed in sch aft 5pm to do project.

tony buy muah chee to eat

i buy 6 coconut tutu kuehs !!!!!

tony very what leh. i take his muah chee eat he tell me i must pay him money. say what our frenship cheaper den e muah chee he buy. hahaha tony i want to slap u!!!!!!

tutu kueh is snack. i buy yong tau foo to eat after that.

n then i shared lontong with jane. n take fries fr serene to eat.
oh ya i got mention that i yest had a nightmare?i dreamt tat i ate too much chicken chops. den i dont know tio what illness. i v scared. tats y i ate yong tau foo today.

tony curse me. he say i will b e first one to kana e H5N1 virus.

tony's face on e right. i want to slap


aft that off to meet jeanie with jane n serene at toa payoh

went kiddy palace first while waiting for jeanie. i buy e caramel snack. damn sweet. bt nice! like sweet popcorn like that

serene n jane like it too!

monkey v cute. lets make it clap!


when jeanie came, we went to swensons, had ice cream. N i shared chicken wings with jane!!! i want to kill myself la

actually i really miss e days when i always hang out with jeanie. stick tog everyday in sch. i miss hving no one to go sch late with me, agree to eat breakfast with me when i want to skip sch(THOMSOM PRATA HSE n MINCED MEAT NOODLES, ), skipping lects and tuts with me, doing crazy tings with me n gg out to shop(window?) aft sch n just plain hanging out aft sch.

i miss e chomp chomp and e cw days when me, her n jeremy always laugh at other pp in isetan and e sneaking of food behind counter to eat.

i know jane misses too. everyth just feels diff this sem

tats why, sb n shu don quarrel anymore la. frens for so long already. no matter what its v wasted to ruin e frenship leh. lets all go out one day to hv steamboat n watch movie ok??

im looking forward to e morning swimming session with jane n jeanie tml(:

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