Wednesday, June 20, 2007

listening to 爱了就算.
dint know jackie chan can sing leh. hahahha. not bad la. i love sammi!
dug out 祖儿- 心淡. nice! my current it song on my player(:
our project discussion
ym and jane deep in discussion
candid shot of shu and serene. erm, whats shu doing? haha!
and what am i doing?
reading e stupid ppt on e last presentation to do e ppt for next week (now u know why im bored. all words!)
ym entertained us with her laptop. her laptop kana saw by her dad. e part tat connects e screen to e keyboard.
ok, its not tat obv la. but its held tog with tape. v jw. n she keeps on saying that it was jane who spoilt her laptop cos jane always sit infront of her den push her laptop screen all e way down opp to see whats she doing.

eh, i now abit scared jane sit infront of me liaoz. hahaha. maybe one day my laptop needs to b taped also.
bt maybe before that my laptop explode alr. cos i kept on forgetting to check whether e battery got prob anot. tat time recall back i nv check. shit man!
yizhen photos for u all to fan!
tony says i blend in with e wall
he v kpo, want to take my pic also.
i ask tony to help me take cos serene's photo taking skills really v lousy. but what he trying to hint huh. why must he take e stomach part!!!!!!

maybe i get what he trying to hint alr. i had 1/2 fried spring chicken rice for my dinner. i super super feel like puking now.

i ask shuyu n serene 怎么办,我吃这样会肥吗?

serene and shuyu: 都这样了!!!!!!你都吃了!!!!!!!!
treat you guys a very 亮丽photo of myself!
hehe. ok. off to do my projects alr!

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