Tuesday, June 26, 2007

introducing my claw project mates (note, team name: SLOWS)
our beloved SLONY! his pic good. u all can save it. not happy take out laugh ok! hehehe.

SLUYU! i dont want to put pic of her face. later she kpkb me. she nag really v fan one!!!!!

SLANE! tis jane siaoz de leh. i ask her whether she got nice pic of herself den she send me tis super long ago pic. wah liaoz. i tink tis pic take in first year de lor. chompchomp!!!

me! SLNGIE! chio pp dont always need to show face one. hehehe.

we everyth also v slow. esp in class. slack n damn slow. bt we v fast when class end. cfm e first to chiong out one. hahaha!

anw, today's afa presentation can die.
notes and laptop

before e presentation i was scanning thru e notes. i totally clueless. i really don like to do accounting projects. e numbers drive me crazy!

my feet hurts. i wore my sis' shoes. v pain sia. my feet rotting
e shoes rotting also. ugly and rotting

ok, so e presentation sucks. our info got prob and like kana condemn by e tutor. shu n me sianz diaoz.

had claw lesson aft tat. got back test paper
i shocked. i passed (its upon 40 btw). i mean it was my last paper n i tot i really blew it.

and claw was really boring. so off to e toliet! our fav place to take pics
i tink i look really fat leh
me, ym and jane!

anw sch is sianz de la. went to work aft tat. too free alr.
shu ate lunch with me n jeremy cos she got to wait for her dental appt.

she helped us took one pic. she v mafan. ask her to take tog she dont want.
liang li rite!

jeremy was smoking, and he took pretty random pics with my hp
but i lazy to post
jane also took random pics
but i also lazy to post
now 1am le la. i want to slp liaoz. tml 10am lesson. tax 2. can die. getting back test paper again!
self thought theory for e day: if i tie my hair up i tink my internals highlights will be more obvious. TELL ME THIS IS TRUE. hahaha!
i know, i will thank myself for this one day.
n hey, i understand why, i really do

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