Sunday, June 24, 2007

i hate mornings
mornings are e worst

i used to be able to slp until like 4 in e aftnoon. no more now. i can suddenly just wake up anytime fr 3am to 7am. i also dont know for what. super the yizhen. den i slp back again. n wake up at 9am feeling weird. n empty !!!!!!!!!!!!

you tell me how jw is this. if i at night nv online i will slp latest by 1230. i everyday like slp alot. but at night still can slp punctually. sianz diaoz leh.

mornings sucks. mornings just sucks.

work v sianz. today jeremy and i ate malay rice. i swear i eat mlr one more time i will puke for u all to see. v erxin leh

den aft tat we took turns to nap. time still pass v slowly. today dont know why e time pass v slow. we were literally randomly selecting pp on msn to laugh at, while waiting for the time to tick (n he irritated me with his stupid xu yao ni)

now i got to do projects. i rot for 2 weeks haven started leh. i tink tis time i really die liaoz. 上天保佑我!

i tink tml when sch resume i will hv tings to occupy myself. maybe everyday will be v busy? i lined up 1 dinner or supper date on thurs n 1 dinner date on fri. hopefully i will hv e mood to go ahead with it.

blog v sianz. i abit sianz of blog. n i lazy to take pics. i dont want to entertain u all with my blog alr. mayb i will close down.
tis time is really record breaking leh.
not even 1 week.


Popthemusicdrug said...

ah rong . sian diao.

friday togetherness.

angie said...


ya lor. friday newton. sianz diaoz

lets go see his passing out parade leh. like v fun leh. i want to see got shuai ge anot! hahahaha!