Thursday, June 21, 2007

this morning had to go down to NP to sign 1 form for e attachment prog.
very e dds. only transfer e info over to another form n sign only. bug me to go down for so many days.

den on e bus, so cold la!
opened my bag n wanted to find sth to cover myself with
den i realised, 要的早就不在了.
nabeh, this type of feeling is super the yizhen and sianz diaoz one ok!

met cons n jo at bishan aft that.
cons is v shy. she dont like me to take her pic. haha!
i alr tell myself cannot eat chicken. but i really 忍不住. i ate chicken chop for my lunch again!!! help!!!!!!!!!!

anw, we went ard trying clothes aft tat
went to BYSI and cons ask me to try on one dress that she find v suitable for me.
hehe. look like those 英国小贵妇 rite!
called up shu n sb for an improntu dinner. wah, they v on leh! i so shocked n surprised (n touched). tat sb v dds. want what town area. in e end shu n i went down to tanjong pagar to find him first.

we sat outside capital tower to wait for him. got one stupid pond there. see alr v headache. so many balls of diff colors!

shu and i brought chocolate biscuits to eat.
i trying to act v chio and sexy while eating. got so many office guys. sure got 1 will take number fr me rite! hahaha!shu dont want to act with me. i tink she tink she is v chio.

when sb ended his wrk, i pester him with my 101 questions
me: 我穿这样亮丽吗?
sb: 不会
me: 真的 meh? 不会觉得比较美 meh?
sb: 真的不会啦!
me: 那你觉得怎样?
sb: 怪怪的 lor
but nvm, i shall forgive him cos he gave me alot of PC. hahaha!
jeremy today v fan. give me yizhen yizhen GC again. TIAM HOR!!! no more "we will be here , you have to help yourself" and "just learn to be happy, time will heal you"
i want to yizhen slap ok! always trying, never giving up on trying to be funny!

i tink sb's face more weird la!

we ate while waiting for tony to come. we literally ate fr daylight to dark lor. tat tony say hes on e way fr 6, and arrived at 8. i tink next time we must bomb n bomb his phone. every 15mins must call and remind him. he v jw!!!!

then we walked fr newton to orchard taka for tony to hv his dinner at mos. dds rite! celestian and yong an came over for awhile cos they were in e area too.

sb got to wrk on fri den no choice we let him go off at 10 while shu, tony n i walked over to far coast to hv a drink. tony go n buy what ice cocoa with white chocolate. says its supposed to life our spirits.

eh, i only find it sweet and nth else. haha!

i realised something. at e end of e day when everything is gone, only friends will be there waiting. dont worry i will keep on smiling(:

i want to ton! sb, tony n shu! when are u guys up to it! stupid sb! faster go check ur calender and tell me u next fri can club anot! n tony if cfm liaoz u dont last min dua. i will go ur hse n drag u out one hor!

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