Monday, June 25, 2007

this is what i had for lunch
den jane tempt me by saying she want bubble tea. so i also go n buy passion fruit ice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when will i stop eating chicken? i v scared of chicken leh. i think of eating chicken i want to puke. but den i really like chicken. v 乱 leh!!!!

today is IS lesson. 1 to 5.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was bored. really bored
i woke up n saw jane taking pics
so i entertained her and took with her
we look weird. face v big
shu didnt want to care abt us. she still continue to use laptop.
jane dont like to take pics alone. she very shy
some very random pics tat jane took with my hp
we were both charging hp. hey, we pay miscellaneous fees ok!
her hp. i also feel like changing to flip phone
slippers. v cute! i like!

i tink she tinks this shot v artistic
jane says she v ugly in tis pic. so i use red to color her face. liang li color!

NAH jane, i posted e random pics u took alr hor. dont say i nv!

i v sianz. tml afa presentation. our ppt still haven settled. alot of stuff still v cocked up. i cant find any shoes to go along with my outfit! arghhhhhhh

heh heh. i tink i want to go tat type 神秘感路线 alr. maybe i shd close down frenster and blog. be like jane. anw frenster also v boring. nth to do. blog v irritating. upload pics v mafan.

N SB, I V HAPPY FOR YOU OK! its like, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!

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