Monday, July 2, 2007

overseas attachment

its like, so not confirmed right now. n i dont want to get my hopes up high in case im disappointed.

people, pray for me!
hope theres really good news for me at e end of july

met up with sock n kelvin. hahaha nice crapping session

i just realised that everyone is busy embarking on a new journey in their life. sock, cons n nelly r gg to uni in august, me n my bunch of frens + jo r gg for attachment in sept, kelvin is gg to army next year n everyone is either now busily doing some part time work to earn their sch fees or taking e initiative to study really hard for e up n coming exam in august (anyone started alr?) or worrying abt where the place of attachment will be(tats me btw).

time really stop for nobody. e world still goes round.

n aft talking to sock n kelvin, i sorta miss band. band was my 'identity' in sec sch. in fact, for my batch of band members, it was our 'identity'. now i look back, theres quite a lot of lessons learnt fr there. yupz, i miss e bonding there!

shit. its 1230am alr. i still haven bath yet. n tml lesson is at 9am. i didnt do afa tutorial! gonna get fined $2!!!! nabeh!

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