Friday, June 29, 2007

jeanie woke up late. n she yest still dare to tell me tat her ringtone is v loud. i call she cfm wake up.

in e end jane n i went swimming first. n jeanie joined us at e swimming complex aft 1 hr time?

we v slack. we were in e pool talking. hahaha!

had seoul garden for our lunch

tats jane's hand hovering there. hehe

i tink e lightning behind jeanie v nice leh!

hahaha jane looks v, er, weird!

chicken! my fave! hehehe. i eat alot. jane n jeanie all throw to me. i eat until my stomach super bloated. super.

we eat n eat. n drank lotsa soup! we got another refill jug of soup!

anw i still v full now. hahaha!

hello everybody, i want to remind u all abt 爱情万岁 ok! hehehe. don worry if i really really go for overseas attachment den i will buy GRADE A FAKE BRANDED GOODS for u all!!!

i was thinking

if i knew everything in advance, e end result will be e same, somedays i will feel ok but somedays still having to wake up feeling like shit,

will i ever regret my decision to be with him?

my ans will be no. never was, and never will be

but i know, in e process she was hurt

i should hv taken responsibility for my actions in the first place and not find any excuses nor reasons for it. wrong is wrong. i just wasnt willing to admit my mistake. i thought i cld avoid that mistake. when u came back to look for me despite after everything, i thought i cld hide it away n not look at it, thinking that maybe one day both of us will forget everything n go back to e old days, look back n laugh at us for being so stupid. i really appreciate u taking the first step. thank you. i shldnt hv taken everything for granted.

i miss you, you know?

for so long, i owed u an apology

n now, im admitting my mistake

linda, im sorry for putting you through everything

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