Friday, September 26, 2008

byebye blogspot

i am sick of blogger

so i decided to shift

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i had this super irresistable urge to vomit as i took e bus home

i almost couldnt take it and i really wanted to 7 stops away from my house
but hor, i couldnt move and den e bus just continue to zoommmmmmmmmm off
den i see, wah whole bus full of army boys
so i pray

神阿! allah! jesus! mother mary! 普萨阿!
dont let me throw my face on the bus
n e urge disappear! WAH!

2nd time in this month tat i felt like vomitting
something must be wrong with this pok gai body of mine

Friday, September 19, 2008

all of us agrees

this guy
this external (thankfully!) stupid consultant
is an idiot

he likes to turn 1 whole round when he answers my questions and is always asking me to gather almost the impossible

look, my suppliers hv no time and patience to produce the so called relevant stuff that you need.
what product data list, product codes, specifications, certificates..etc
i swear they're going to use e 'f' word and hang up once they hears my request

n i cant go ask for any validation for the shelf life
theres no such thing
shelf life, is determined by the quality of cold rooms that we have, you idiot
i can provide you with e standard industry practice for shelf life however

im losing my patience
very very soon

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

my travel itch is bitting me again........
i want to go someplace else n hv a break- not malaysia (i scared get rob), not batam n what st john island (got ghosts i dont want) n certainly not pulau ubin (i go there die from heatstroke only i think)

i am such a fussy person hor

was thinking of vietnam, taiwan or china. ya la i know i've been to shanghai bt that was during winter. i coop myself at home bcoz it was like freezing outside la. so when i hv e chance to go out to e world n walk ard with a valid reason i went to give it up. n now im back at home i want to go out and walk around. sometimes i do feel like slapping myself

but NOT NOW. next yr perhaps. i got too many things tat i need to save up for. travel is at e last of e list. now i can only dream of travelling and mayb get sock to go to changi airport n hv popeye with me- we've talked abt tis forever and still talking abt this bt not doing it! i miss e biscuits!!!!!!!!!!

my sis (sometimes) still reminds me that i mentioned tat im gg to cook them some fantastic pasta (self-proclaimed) which nv materialise. oh well.. i really do want to cook it but im just plain lazy to really get started n doing it. first step is to buy e ingredients right? but everytime i alight at e bus stop aft wrk i don feel like walking anymore to buy e ingredients

i'l do it this saturday i guess. if i can get myself out of e house. you know, its really diff for me to get my butt out of e hse on a weekend unless im out with sock or cons.

downright lazy
lazy to shop
lazy to buy food and eat (i'l ransack e house for instant noodles or lure my bro with some pocket money and get him to go down to buy)
lazy to walk (im lying on e mattress as i watch tv. im sitting on a chair infront of e comp screen)
lazy to work (think only, if never go means no money. i cannot tolerate myself earning $0)
lazy to think (i like staring at e tv or comp screen)
lazy to love

bah. shall update again when i have pics. (actually i have but again im lazy to upload hohoho)

Friday, September 12, 2008

i didnt realise i drank fr a cup that the detergent wasnt washed off completely until half of the water went down my stomach (it tasted v weird)

i was that stupid enough to not realise tat its detergent when i saw bubbles forming when i poured e water in. i thought to myself "must be i pour too fast" and gleefully drank it down!!!!!!!!

so small thing wont die la. but i tink my stomach is starting to feel weirdddddddddddddd now

might be gg down aft lunch to take typhoid injection later- boss said it was okay to go aft lunch!!!!! YIPEE YIPEE YEAH YEAH!
hope i dont develop any flu like symptons aft that

more updates, soon, i hope

Sunday, August 24, 2008

random. very very random

i went out for dinner with J.LZY today. which is a miracle, considering i SELDOM go out on sundays. i tink lzy has been asking me for so so many times and i can count e no of times i've been out on sun since i started wrking with less than 1 hand.

lzy i think you v lucky bcoz out of that so many times i present my precious 2 times to you leh

somemore it was raining e whole day in amk.
i was in a blur state of 'why did i agree to this' when i step out of my hse with an umbrella and about to knock myself on e head when i reached amk hub breadtalk.
its rare for me to go out on sundays
even more rare for me to go out on a rainy sunday

i conclude that i must be very excited that my last day of wrk in rtc is coming soon
super looking forward to 1st sept when i'l switch to a new co
lzy you too right! haha lazy bum

fish n co for dinner and we had seafood platter for 1 n seafod pizza
i like e pizza! e crust nice leh i think

it was magic e first time i had
but tdae e magic seems to hv disappeared. not so nice anymore even thou its still nice

and i was coughing e whole time i was out
i hate coughs
i super duper hate coughs
its that kind i feel like i cannot breathe properly and i think my lungs are about to jump out

lzy said: take mc tml la!
me: cannot la. mon busy!
lzy looked quite surprised and i bet 'wah first time angie can take mc dont utilise e chance leh' was gg thru her mind
me (aft 30 secs): but i'l take on tues i think hehehe

i am responsible worker OH-KAY!

we had coffee at coffeebean aft tat so that explains why i am typing this entry at 1.35am.
maybe i SHOULD take mc tml aft all

Saturday, July 26, 2008

after so longggggggg

i finally uploaded all e pics tat r so long long long long long overdue

first up, is cons bdae celebration in june

we were at clarke quay. and jo persisted in saying that MOS is fun. so we went. it was quite alright. i like my drink!!!!!!!!!

i baked these cupcakes for her

ya it doesnt look fantastic (ugly in fact), im also v sure it doesnt taste fantastic but im quite sure at least its edible. sighs. i didnt ask her how was it thou. not sure i wanted to know

met up with jeremy on 1 of e saturdays in june

RETURN OF E MALAY RICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! teeheehee!

we ate malay rice, ice cream, korean snacks- meatballs n rice cake, bubble tea (me), coffee bean all day breakfast (me), coffee bean creamy spag (jer), don noe how many bottles of snapple and starbucks coffee

jeremy: 我们到底是人还是猪???????????????

well..... im dont tink i want to noe e ans for this too

speaking of food, i hv a colleague, LJ, who is hopeless

DAY 1(his lunchtime is at 12pm while mine is at 1pm, food provided by co)

me: 今天 chef 煮什么菜?

LJ: 有 xxxxxxx, 还有辣椒虾

5 mins later e rest of us go down---------->

where got 辣椒虾?!?!?!?!?!?! is sotong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


me: 今天 chef 煮什么?

(pause)me: 你还是不要讲. 可以把虾看成 sotong hor, 我知道要你告诉我们你吃什么真的很难

caveman (shake head n pat LJ): hai, 所以说人不可以犯错. 真的是反不了身. 我们永远都会记得的

LJ (ignore us n v enthu want to prove himself) : 有 xxxxx, 和绿豆汤

5 mins later------>

finance team- 1pm slot: 哪里有绿豆汤????!!!?!?!?! 根本就是红豆汤 ma!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: 他是色盲吗?

caveman: 我还真没喝过红色的绿豆汤耶

FAINT. i am v worried for him

ate ala carte steamboat dinner with caveman few weeks ago. see tat plate of crabmeat? 4 dollars ok. 4 dollars!!!!!!!!

i can feel my auntie 本色 coming out again

had dinner with jo 3 weeks ago b4 she flew off to australia for uni studies

i got alot of pics with her. n i really mean A LOT. i was waiting for her to send me so i can update all e pics at 1 shot bt i gave up on waiting.

joanne how are you in melbourne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

met up with cons last sat for lunch at novena sq 2. we had korean food(not e seoul yummy). horrible. really horrible

and cons got me started on buying heels. now i am crazy over heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

was at balcony with jeremy last night. not too bad. we tooks e seats at e ledge. v v nice

more meetups to come ok jeremy

Friday, July 4, 2008

its not nice to know that a once platonic friendsip (or was it just me who thought so?) changes into sth else, sth more
i really really feel sick to e stomach

maybe being overly friendly is not so good

i hope u are not trying your luck
because you are gg to be disapointed
i am not going to give you anything!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

i fell down again for e second time in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!
in a coffeeshop somemore. very very paiseh

e first time i luckier
i fell down outside e coffeeshop
den an ah pek (!!!!!!!!) help me up

e second time which is yesterday i not so lucky alr
i fell down inside e coffeshop
infront of everyone eating!!!!!!

just slip and whooo-wheee-wheee

n i really super lucky
3 uncles (!!!!) help me up again
even make excuses for me: 小妹, 不要紧, 地滑

i really want to die
still must act nothing happened and walk around gracefully

sway sia

anw, i finished watching 少年杨家将 and 太王四神记
e first one e ending is super e sad.

e second show.... wah.. i am so in love with 裴勇俊
his smile is so................. sweet!
he v cute with e 智妮!
but hor e ending leave me with alot of qns marks
e whole show is ruined by e ending la. cannot understand e ending

Sunday, May 18, 2008

at clarke quay last night!

fashion bar and kandi bar yesterday

its really diff to talk when the whole bar is thum-thum-zi-zi-zi all e way
i think i still prefer to sit outside

lunar and hooters looks v interesting to us. but in e end we didnt went in. nx time maybe?
and i was commenting on how interesting e clinic concept is for e whole night


me: actually clinic is v interesting leh. look at e wheelchairs! and they drink fr syringes!!!!
cons n sock: no way! i dont wan to be sitting in a wheelchair. like cursing myself
me: but u got to admit tat its an interesting concept leh

PART 2 (e second time we walked past clinic)

me: i really think clinic is v interesting leh. why dont we give it a try
cons: angie, tell me which part of ur body u dont need. ur legs mayb? i help u break it n u can sitting in a wheelchair forever
me: hmmm (starts to think).. mayb u can try breaking my arms instead? i think they're too fat!
cons: well, tat is handicapped. u don need to break ur arms to sit in a wheelchair

PART 3 (e third time we walked past clinic. again)

me: seriously i still think clinic is v interesting
cons: NO ANGIE. NO
one day i'l get her to go clinic with me tog. humph

cons' bdae is coming soon! 6june!
mayb i'l get her and jo to go on the bungee thing at clarke quay
looks v exciting n fun to me!
lunar and attica the next time round ok! (:

Monday, May 12, 2008

e non mundane stuff

life has been so mundane recently (i mean mon to thurs)
or rather, work is so mundane

i went to buy donuts fr donut factory for my family!

now theres a donut craze going on within my family. haha. thank god theres donut factory at novena sq. shorter queues!

my sis asked me out for dinner aft wrk on e fri e week before. i noe 准没好事 when she ask

true enough!

sis: i am v hungry i feel like eating everything
me: can. u pay urself lor
sis: dont like that ma. u treat me la hehe
me: ok can..................................................... food court only

we ended up hving sushi tei for dinner n swensons ice cream (she eat ice cream!! not me!!!! she so fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for dessert

i am going to ignore her when she ask me out for dinner e nx time round

and finally, a long awaited meet up with sock on sat
her exams ended alr. hooray! which means more meet ups for e upcoming 3 mths!

we went to this seoul yummy cafe at novena sq 2 for dinner

food was so so only. e korean seafood pancake was horrible. v sourish!

then we went to starbucks to chill
cashier: medium size for both of you?
sock: how big is e cup for large?
sock (AFTER E CASHIER SHOWED HER): we'll hv 2 large, thanks
i turned n look at her
me: serious ar? large v big cup leh?
sock: ya large
sock, i really think large is abit too kua zhang leh!

united sq starbucks seriously is e best place to chill man

along with apple strudel hse at upp thomsom rd, coffee bean at serangoon garden n coffee club at holland v. muahahaha!

we had enough of starbucks

so we went down to sara-leon aft that. beer continously for 2 nights. i wanna puke!

we still couldnt get enough of each other(:
we decided to go for a midnight movie show at amk cathay

made in honour. stupid show. very typical storyline. waste our money

we were v energetic aft e show

but it was already 3+am in e morning. so we had to say goodbye

watch up for this weekend, cos its a long ong weekend with vesak day approaching! sock n kel lets try a new pub! hahahahwe need to meet up again soon!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

no thanks mr/ms kind soul

to whichever idiot who wrote that at cck
人在做, 天在看
i believe karma goes around you know

4 months ago i heard abt all those shit

and i thought i could put it all behind me

until this 'kind soul' came to inform me again
i dont know if you're really that kind or if you're out for some ulterior motive
even till now i dont know if wad you said is really written there
but thanks,
dont try to inform me anymore

just siam
just go away
i dont want to know anything anymore

and just to update, i'l be out tonight to meet sock
pictures tomorrow i hope?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

holland v!

we had a v filling lunch cum dinner at this famous nasi lemak and katong laksa shop

and we decided to go over to coffee club to slack aft that
we sat there for like 4 hours?

very very comfortable environment
oh yes e mudpie was bigger than my face!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah

AR wanted me to take a photo of him
we all groaned when he try to strike a (erm...) nice? pose with jeremy's cig

AR: nljhciusrnwewcidscoigehqkfpowjuf9iefjkwncigvuefieqn (a joke that he was trying to tell us. NOT IMPORTANT AND NOT FUNNY)

we look at each other and at our drinks

-------------------------silence for 30 secs--------------------------------------------------

ignore his joke. talk among ourselves

好笑 meh??????????
AR you got to do better than this ok!

i discovered that we had v similar poses

i really dont know wads the meaning of this collage but i guess jeremy = AR


Saturday, April 26, 2008

my suddenly very exciting life!

after hving a few drinks
we were really tired

meeting up for lunch (?) with jeremy n AR ltr at holland V
more updates tonight! i hope

Saturday, April 19, 2008

my 2 lovely colleagues

went out for dinner with my 2 colleagues at bugis aft wrk on thurs

laijin kept on repeating that he was v hungry on e journey there
he told us that our dinner will be 小吃, meaning eat abit
he brought us to this place selling duck rice which according to him, was- '很好吃'
(i was thinking... duck rice also considered 小吃 ar?!?!?!)

we all think its a tad too salty for our liking


laijin, our super 爱摆 pose king. teck lim, caveman! arhahahahha

laijin's appetite is super e scary ok

he ate 1 FULL bowl of laksa, 4 popiahs n 2 九层糕 for lunch and don noe how many packets of oreos and 旺旺 as SNACK. now we all noe how come his 小吃 is duck rice. hahaha!

so aft eating e duck rice for dinner, we proceeded to hv some light dessert but i couldnt finish my 花生糊

me: laijin 给你吃 leh

laijin: 不要, 我吃了鸭饭很饱 (while still happily continuing eating his dessert in e meantime)

me: 你吃 la (push e bowl to him)

next min i see him start to eat e 花生糊

turn to teck lim, very puzzled

me: 他不是说他很饱 meh?

im really amazed by his appetite. HAHAHA!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

shall i snip my hair off??

caveman says he want to train me to play computer games, xbox..etc
(he say he will bring e comp games to lend me! !!!!!!!!!!!!)

i give him e jitao sian face
i not v interested sia

i reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy feel like snipping my hair off again leh!
but i alr kept it for like more than half a yr alr?
wasted hor


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

down with fever
feel like dying

Saturday, April 5, 2008

our tonning session, haha!

im back fr tonning at jean house!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA

no pics cos i was charging my phone at her hse. actually im just lazy. haha

at first jeanie msg us at 4plus to say tat it was cancelled den i was so frustrated cos i packed all my things and bought it to wrk alr. plus tat day i woke up at 630am to meet my two 80s colleagues (haha!), caveman and laijin for breakfast at toa payoh in e morning (i must be crazy to do tat. so early!!!!!!!!!!!!)

but at 6plus i was informed by joey tat its on. again
so theres me, joey, jeanie, shuyu n tony

den i was sitting with joey (beside) and tony (infront) in mos burger waiting for shuyu

we were talking and laughing
sudenly joey whipped out HL MILK (e big packet) from his bag and started drinking

i turn den i thought to myself "oh, HL milk ar"
so i turn back n started to want to talk to tony abt some topic
den i stop myself, no leh abit weird hor
HL MILK???!!!!???!!!

i stunned, turn n look at joey- 你从你的 bag 拿出 HL milk ar????!!!!!
den tony n joey HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
joey v xia suay la. drink finish leave it on e table. paiseh.
weird pp

when we reached jean's hse, we decided to talk e whole night
but at 4plus, everybody was so tired

joey n tony were both lying on e bed
shu n i on e sofa. fainting soon alr
jean super energetic. walking ard

joey is totally hopeless. he alr zonked out liao
left shu, tony, jean n me talking
shu's reply to everyth? oh. ya lor. no. say somemore leh.
left e 3 of us
i tot i v energetic. still v happily ans tony's qns
30secs ltr- i collasped on e sofa tog with shuyu

jean look at tony. tony look at jean
den jean go n off e light

e night ended like that

today we woke up n went for delifrance breakfast (e buffet sucks)
ahhhhh, thats another story altogether... hahahha

Friday, March 28, 2008


today was e once-a-month-meet-up with sock and kelvin



a nice dessert to end it off

hot chocolate with lovely strudels


e simple joys in life

i will be even happier

if i nv leave my specs in e office. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


当我晚上睡觉突然间醒来, check 一下时间, 还没到六点


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i decided to update out of boredom

so typical of him
AO again

my colleague say he hope he can strike lottery den can stay at hm 翘脚

i everyday ask him when i can 嫁个有钱人
shou bu liao le!!!!!!
i everyday see got pp slack at e pool n cafes. v free no need wrk
tat will be meeeeeeeee in e future

fri is a public holiday!

Monday, March 3, 2008

mini swimming pool!!!!!

for e past 3 weeks i hv been sleeping way past noon
today i wake up at 7am
feel like dying

today is my first day of work
orientation at raffles town club. im gg to refer it as rtc fr now onwards

we had a tour ard rtc

den hor, we went into e chancellor and president suite
you know there is a mini swimming pool in this 2 suites leh!!!!!!
how kua zhang is that!!!!!!!!

i tink i am like mountain tortoise hee

got one newbie say: wah, 很享受 hor
my reply?

Friday, February 29, 2008

the reason behind smoking (or trying)

this WAS emptiness
this is habit
this is er, stress?
trying out something new is fun and applaudable (even smoking)
sweets, just wanna let you know that i will never be too busy for you
i will be your listening ear if you ever need one(:

Thursday, February 28, 2008

his version

well its not up yet
but i hope he finds it as fun as i do (minus e smelly part)

so jeremy, what is your version of last night?

i hope hes going to write his version
but e last time i checked, he said he was lazy
oh sighs

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

finally, a pictures update

im feeling free today so i shall do a pictures update

1. very very long overdue pics fr shanghai- xiao long baos at 城煌庙

yes, im talking about the very famous xiao long baos in shanghai as introduced on tv (heard fr pp that patricia mok introduced it i tink)

efficient type. cleared all the tables at 1 go and once e xiao long baos are ready they serve all the tables at 1 go too
it took them some time to clear the previous round

so everyone waits

the waiting goes on

finally its here! not to bad. quite alright. uh oh. my face looks fat!!!!!!! ok thats all for shanghai bcoz i forgot to upload e pics on snow. shall do that another time hee

2. linda

shy? but i tink she quite thick skinned leh.... hahaa!
3. at prata house with cons, jo n linda
cons commented that she feels that im happier
ya of cos sweetheart
but i would b even happier if my face can stop looking so fat in pics, hahaha!
4. sock and kelvin
kelvin wasnt ard when we took pics. aw too bad
it was great hanging out with them cos time nv seems to be enough when im out with them

4. at woodlands today. movie and dinner with jeremy
we watched death note spin off: L change the world

i am absolutely in love with L ever since i watched death note 1 and 2 online few days ago
L is my latest obsession after yuan chang (dont worry yuan chang i still love you thou hahaha!)
i really dont mind watching it a second time
and thats a miracle coming fr me bcoz i tink movie tixs r so ex nowadays ever since e tix px increased

史上最无聊的 conversation

jeremy: 很饿 leh, 吃什么?
me: 不懂 leh. 你想吃什么?
jeremy: 什么都想吃一点
me: chinese? western? thai?
jeremy: 随便
me: siam kitchen? swensons? pizza hut? seoul garden? crystal jade? pastamania? jacks place?
jeremy: 随便 la. 你决定
me: 我不要. 你知道我不可以 make 这种 decisions 的

(after walking up n down, to n fro checking out the menus and prices)
me: crystal jade ok?
jeremy: ok

(up to level 4, 100m away from crystal jade)
me: 其实 seoul garden 不错 hor
jeremy: 很臭 leh
me: 这叫气氛
i think we should stop being so indecisive
i think jeremy has been living in a cave for e past 300 years cos he ask me: seoul garden 有什么料 huh? 我很久没有来了
we tried to take nice pictures. we really did

alright today has been funnnnnnnnn for me
a few more days to enjoy and (ta-da!), i will join e workforce on mon
wish me luck ok

ps: oh and there might also be a party world session tml with jeremy and gang (a.k.a ZR and Queenie). pics up nx time if there is

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

im grumpy so ignore me

sometimes i think how good it will be if i can just remain in shanghai (minus e cold) and not come back to spore.

spore is like so small and boring, im (STILL) looking for a job (theres always 1 thing im nt satisfied abt e job tat accepts me), im like VERY broke and i get grumpy whenever i hv to start tinking of where to go with my frens (cos i repeat again- spore is so so small!)

ok i think i will just run off to some rural villages in india or cambodia n do voluntary work forever. i think theres food n shelter provided rite?

oh dont worry i think tis is just a passing phrase. i'l probably get out of it when i realise i cant live without civilisation (read: wireless internet, hot water- nt sure if e rural villages hv it..etc)

in e meantime im going to continue watching YUAN CHANG in prank kiss2
ya my best entertainment

Saturday, February 16, 2008

e job offer that i gave up

will you take up a job offer that....

is a temp to perm position- covertable aft 3 mths aft evaluating performance (when you actually wanted a perm position),
$6.50/hr and deducts CPF (oh my god i tink like tat my mthly pay will be $800+ only. might as well do sales.....!),
bonds u to e job for 3 mths (and almost all ur frens hv secured a perm job n u might be jobless agn after 3 mths?)


you really felt at ease when you walked into e office (it felt like im back in shanghai wrking in Trane),
e job scope is sth i like (independent accounts/finance work),
plus one of e interviewers was really v v cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (team head of e dept),
wanted a reply fr u immediately after e interview yest (they emphasized - KEEN TO KEEP ME, bt u wanted to wait till tues cos u hv another perm job interview on tues n they cant?)
in e end i tink for an hr, decided to 忍痛割爱
gave up e job. sian

on a lighter note, i had a movie cum 瓜子 cum chit chat session with joey n jane yesterday! (sad. no chinatown)
after e movie we went to jane's hse void deck to eat 瓜子. everybody say e 瓜子 i buy back for them fr china v nice!we waited outside her hse
joey is sian diao bcoz jane locked e door. muahahaha
and we also kop cup noodles fr jane!

so e session ended at 3am
n i only woke up at 5pm today
n its dinner time again(: