Monday, May 12, 2008

e non mundane stuff

life has been so mundane recently (i mean mon to thurs)
or rather, work is so mundane

i went to buy donuts fr donut factory for my family!

now theres a donut craze going on within my family. haha. thank god theres donut factory at novena sq. shorter queues!

my sis asked me out for dinner aft wrk on e fri e week before. i noe 准没好事 when she ask

true enough!

sis: i am v hungry i feel like eating everything
me: can. u pay urself lor
sis: dont like that ma. u treat me la hehe
me: ok can..................................................... food court only

we ended up hving sushi tei for dinner n swensons ice cream (she eat ice cream!! not me!!!! she so fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for dessert

i am going to ignore her when she ask me out for dinner e nx time round

and finally, a long awaited meet up with sock on sat
her exams ended alr. hooray! which means more meet ups for e upcoming 3 mths!

we went to this seoul yummy cafe at novena sq 2 for dinner

food was so so only. e korean seafood pancake was horrible. v sourish!

then we went to starbucks to chill
cashier: medium size for both of you?
sock: how big is e cup for large?
sock (AFTER E CASHIER SHOWED HER): we'll hv 2 large, thanks
i turned n look at her
me: serious ar? large v big cup leh?
sock: ya large
sock, i really think large is abit too kua zhang leh!

united sq starbucks seriously is e best place to chill man

along with apple strudel hse at upp thomsom rd, coffee bean at serangoon garden n coffee club at holland v. muahahaha!

we had enough of starbucks

so we went down to sara-leon aft that. beer continously for 2 nights. i wanna puke!

we still couldnt get enough of each other(:
we decided to go for a midnight movie show at amk cathay

made in honour. stupid show. very typical storyline. waste our money

we were v energetic aft e show

but it was already 3+am in e morning. so we had to say goodbye

watch up for this weekend, cos its a long ong weekend with vesak day approaching! sock n kel lets try a new pub! hahahahwe need to meet up again soon!

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