Tuesday, September 16, 2008

my travel itch is bitting me again........
i want to go someplace else n hv a break- not malaysia (i scared get rob), not batam n what st john island (got ghosts i dont want) n certainly not pulau ubin (i go there die from heatstroke only i think)

i am such a fussy person hor

was thinking of vietnam, taiwan or china. ya la i know i've been to shanghai bt that was during winter. i coop myself at home bcoz it was like freezing outside la. so when i hv e chance to go out to e world n walk ard with a valid reason i went to give it up. n now im back at home i want to go out and walk around. sometimes i do feel like slapping myself

but NOT NOW. next yr perhaps. i got too many things tat i need to save up for. travel is at e last of e list. now i can only dream of travelling and mayb get sock to go to changi airport n hv popeye with me- we've talked abt tis forever and still talking abt this bt not doing it! i miss e biscuits!!!!!!!!!!

my sis (sometimes) still reminds me that i mentioned tat im gg to cook them some fantastic pasta (self-proclaimed) which nv materialise. oh well.. i really do want to cook it but im just plain lazy to really get started n doing it. first step is to buy e ingredients right? but everytime i alight at e bus stop aft wrk i don feel like walking anymore to buy e ingredients

i'l do it this saturday i guess. if i can get myself out of e house. you know, its really diff for me to get my butt out of e hse on a weekend unless im out with sock or cons.

downright lazy
lazy to shop
lazy to buy food and eat (i'l ransack e house for instant noodles or lure my bro with some pocket money and get him to go down to buy)
lazy to walk (im lying on e mattress as i watch tv. im sitting on a chair infront of e comp screen)
lazy to work (think only, if never go means no money. i cannot tolerate myself earning $0)
lazy to think (i like staring at e tv or comp screen)
lazy to love

bah. shall update again when i have pics. (actually i have but again im lazy to upload hohoho)

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