Sunday, August 24, 2008

random. very very random

i went out for dinner with J.LZY today. which is a miracle, considering i SELDOM go out on sundays. i tink lzy has been asking me for so so many times and i can count e no of times i've been out on sun since i started wrking with less than 1 hand.

lzy i think you v lucky bcoz out of that so many times i present my precious 2 times to you leh

somemore it was raining e whole day in amk.
i was in a blur state of 'why did i agree to this' when i step out of my hse with an umbrella and about to knock myself on e head when i reached amk hub breadtalk.
its rare for me to go out on sundays
even more rare for me to go out on a rainy sunday

i conclude that i must be very excited that my last day of wrk in rtc is coming soon
super looking forward to 1st sept when i'l switch to a new co
lzy you too right! haha lazy bum

fish n co for dinner and we had seafood platter for 1 n seafod pizza
i like e pizza! e crust nice leh i think

it was magic e first time i had
but tdae e magic seems to hv disappeared. not so nice anymore even thou its still nice

and i was coughing e whole time i was out
i hate coughs
i super duper hate coughs
its that kind i feel like i cannot breathe properly and i think my lungs are about to jump out

lzy said: take mc tml la!
me: cannot la. mon busy!
lzy looked quite surprised and i bet 'wah first time angie can take mc dont utilise e chance leh' was gg thru her mind
me (aft 30 secs): but i'l take on tues i think hehehe

i am responsible worker OH-KAY!

we had coffee at coffeebean aft tat so that explains why i am typing this entry at 1.35am.
maybe i SHOULD take mc tml aft all

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