Tuesday, February 19, 2008

im grumpy so ignore me

sometimes i think how good it will be if i can just remain in shanghai (minus e cold) and not come back to spore.

spore is like so small and boring, im (STILL) looking for a job (theres always 1 thing im nt satisfied abt e job tat accepts me), im like VERY broke and i get grumpy whenever i hv to start tinking of where to go with my frens (cos i repeat again- spore is so so small!)

ok i think i will just run off to some rural villages in india or cambodia n do voluntary work forever. i think theres food n shelter provided rite?

oh dont worry i think tis is just a passing phrase. i'l probably get out of it when i realise i cant live without civilisation (read: wireless internet, hot water- nt sure if e rural villages hv it..etc)

in e meantime im going to continue watching YUAN CHANG in prank kiss2
ya my best entertainment

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