Saturday, April 19, 2008

my 2 lovely colleagues

went out for dinner with my 2 colleagues at bugis aft wrk on thurs

laijin kept on repeating that he was v hungry on e journey there
he told us that our dinner will be 小吃, meaning eat abit
he brought us to this place selling duck rice which according to him, was- '很好吃'
(i was thinking... duck rice also considered 小吃 ar?!?!?!)

we all think its a tad too salty for our liking


laijin, our super 爱摆 pose king. teck lim, caveman! arhahahahha

laijin's appetite is super e scary ok

he ate 1 FULL bowl of laksa, 4 popiahs n 2 九层糕 for lunch and don noe how many packets of oreos and 旺旺 as SNACK. now we all noe how come his 小吃 is duck rice. hahaha!

so aft eating e duck rice for dinner, we proceeded to hv some light dessert but i couldnt finish my 花生糊

me: laijin 给你吃 leh

laijin: 不要, 我吃了鸭饭很饱 (while still happily continuing eating his dessert in e meantime)

me: 你吃 la (push e bowl to him)

next min i see him start to eat e 花生糊

turn to teck lim, very puzzled

me: 他不是说他很饱 meh?

im really amazed by his appetite. HAHAHA!

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