Saturday, April 5, 2008

our tonning session, haha!

im back fr tonning at jean house!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA

no pics cos i was charging my phone at her hse. actually im just lazy. haha

at first jeanie msg us at 4plus to say tat it was cancelled den i was so frustrated cos i packed all my things and bought it to wrk alr. plus tat day i woke up at 630am to meet my two 80s colleagues (haha!), caveman and laijin for breakfast at toa payoh in e morning (i must be crazy to do tat. so early!!!!!!!!!!!!)

but at 6plus i was informed by joey tat its on. again
so theres me, joey, jeanie, shuyu n tony

den i was sitting with joey (beside) and tony (infront) in mos burger waiting for shuyu

we were talking and laughing
sudenly joey whipped out HL MILK (e big packet) from his bag and started drinking

i turn den i thought to myself "oh, HL milk ar"
so i turn back n started to want to talk to tony abt some topic
den i stop myself, no leh abit weird hor
HL MILK???!!!!???!!!

i stunned, turn n look at joey- 你从你的 bag 拿出 HL milk ar????!!!!!
den tony n joey HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
joey v xia suay la. drink finish leave it on e table. paiseh.
weird pp

when we reached jean's hse, we decided to talk e whole night
but at 4plus, everybody was so tired

joey n tony were both lying on e bed
shu n i on e sofa. fainting soon alr
jean super energetic. walking ard

joey is totally hopeless. he alr zonked out liao
left shu, tony, jean n me talking
shu's reply to everyth? oh. ya lor. no. say somemore leh.
left e 3 of us
i tot i v energetic. still v happily ans tony's qns
30secs ltr- i collasped on e sofa tog with shuyu

jean look at tony. tony look at jean
den jean go n off e light

e night ended like that

today we woke up n went for delifrance breakfast (e buffet sucks)
ahhhhh, thats another story altogether... hahahha

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