Sunday, April 27, 2008

holland v!

we had a v filling lunch cum dinner at this famous nasi lemak and katong laksa shop

and we decided to go over to coffee club to slack aft that
we sat there for like 4 hours?

very very comfortable environment
oh yes e mudpie was bigger than my face!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah

AR wanted me to take a photo of him
we all groaned when he try to strike a (erm...) nice? pose with jeremy's cig

AR: nljhciusrnwewcidscoigehqkfpowjuf9iefjkwncigvuefieqn (a joke that he was trying to tell us. NOT IMPORTANT AND NOT FUNNY)

we look at each other and at our drinks

-------------------------silence for 30 secs--------------------------------------------------

ignore his joke. talk among ourselves

好笑 meh??????????
AR you got to do better than this ok!

i discovered that we had v similar poses

i really dont know wads the meaning of this collage but i guess jeremy = AR


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