Wednesday, February 27, 2008

finally, a pictures update

im feeling free today so i shall do a pictures update

1. very very long overdue pics fr shanghai- xiao long baos at 城煌庙

yes, im talking about the very famous xiao long baos in shanghai as introduced on tv (heard fr pp that patricia mok introduced it i tink)

efficient type. cleared all the tables at 1 go and once e xiao long baos are ready they serve all the tables at 1 go too
it took them some time to clear the previous round

so everyone waits

the waiting goes on

finally its here! not to bad. quite alright. uh oh. my face looks fat!!!!!!! ok thats all for shanghai bcoz i forgot to upload e pics on snow. shall do that another time hee

2. linda

shy? but i tink she quite thick skinned leh.... hahaa!
3. at prata house with cons, jo n linda
cons commented that she feels that im happier
ya of cos sweetheart
but i would b even happier if my face can stop looking so fat in pics, hahaha!
4. sock and kelvin
kelvin wasnt ard when we took pics. aw too bad
it was great hanging out with them cos time nv seems to be enough when im out with them

4. at woodlands today. movie and dinner with jeremy
we watched death note spin off: L change the world

i am absolutely in love with L ever since i watched death note 1 and 2 online few days ago
L is my latest obsession after yuan chang (dont worry yuan chang i still love you thou hahaha!)
i really dont mind watching it a second time
and thats a miracle coming fr me bcoz i tink movie tixs r so ex nowadays ever since e tix px increased

史上最无聊的 conversation

jeremy: 很饿 leh, 吃什么?
me: 不懂 leh. 你想吃什么?
jeremy: 什么都想吃一点
me: chinese? western? thai?
jeremy: 随便
me: siam kitchen? swensons? pizza hut? seoul garden? crystal jade? pastamania? jacks place?
jeremy: 随便 la. 你决定
me: 我不要. 你知道我不可以 make 这种 decisions 的

(after walking up n down, to n fro checking out the menus and prices)
me: crystal jade ok?
jeremy: ok

(up to level 4, 100m away from crystal jade)
me: 其实 seoul garden 不错 hor
jeremy: 很臭 leh
me: 这叫气氛
i think we should stop being so indecisive
i think jeremy has been living in a cave for e past 300 years cos he ask me: seoul garden 有什么料 huh? 我很久没有来了
we tried to take nice pictures. we really did

alright today has been funnnnnnnnn for me
a few more days to enjoy and (ta-da!), i will join e workforce on mon
wish me luck ok

ps: oh and there might also be a party world session tml with jeremy and gang (a.k.a ZR and Queenie). pics up nx time if there is

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