Saturday, June 30, 2007

introducingthe legendary mlr!
n mine!
gosh, i look at e pictures n i feel like puking alr!!!
anw, i was telling jeremy abt my 爱情万岁 story
me: 我跟你讲,如果我的 attachment 真的可以去澳门,我一定可以在那里
认识到黑帮老大的。 他一定也是很有钱,很帅,还有很大的势力。然后他的手下会不喜欢我们在一起。 可是我们一定会顽抗的爱下去!我们的主题曲就会是爱情万岁!!!
jeremy: eh, 你还有跟谁讲过?
me: jeanie 和 jane lor. 她们听了sianz diaoz leh
jeremy: den 你觉得为什么他会选你?
me: 我特别 la! 我的性格 special ok!
jeremy: 是 meh. 那你为什么会被甩?还是大大力的被甩??
me: .......
me: aiya, 一个不懂得欣赏并不代表全部都不懂得欣赏 ma!!!
den i forget he ask me to go n die or he don care me.
everyone don believe my story leh!!!
nx time when u all start receiving prada, LV and gucci bags fr me u all will thank me!!!!!!
thinking of getting a tattoo on my back, somewhere near e neck. i want to do like jeanie tat type. put my name. looks nice to me leh
but i scared pain. i scared not nice also
how! people! suggestions and opinions!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

jeanie woke up late. n she yest still dare to tell me tat her ringtone is v loud. i call she cfm wake up.

in e end jane n i went swimming first. n jeanie joined us at e swimming complex aft 1 hr time?

we v slack. we were in e pool talking. hahaha!

had seoul garden for our lunch

tats jane's hand hovering there. hehe

i tink e lightning behind jeanie v nice leh!

hahaha jane looks v, er, weird!

chicken! my fave! hehehe. i eat alot. jane n jeanie all throw to me. i eat until my stomach super bloated. super.

we eat n eat. n drank lotsa soup! we got another refill jug of soup!

anw i still v full now. hahaha!

hello everybody, i want to remind u all abt 爱情万岁 ok! hehehe. don worry if i really really go for overseas attachment den i will buy GRADE A FAKE BRANDED GOODS for u all!!!

i was thinking

if i knew everything in advance, e end result will be e same, somedays i will feel ok but somedays still having to wake up feeling like shit,

will i ever regret my decision to be with him?

my ans will be no. never was, and never will be

but i know, in e process she was hurt

i should hv taken responsibility for my actions in the first place and not find any excuses nor reasons for it. wrong is wrong. i just wasnt willing to admit my mistake. i thought i cld avoid that mistake. when u came back to look for me despite after everything, i thought i cld hide it away n not look at it, thinking that maybe one day both of us will forget everything n go back to e old days, look back n laugh at us for being so stupid. i really appreciate u taking the first step. thank you. i shldnt hv taken everything for granted.

i miss you, you know?

for so long, i owed u an apology

n now, im admitting my mistake

linda, im sorry for putting you through everything

Thursday, June 28, 2007

tax 2

37/55. ok la. at least i passed

got 1 part of e qn. i write so much. in e end all wrong. i got 0 for tat part!!

audit 2. tis one is super jw one. 33.5/60. u all see e part B (1), i only scored 10/25. can puke blood

but at least still pass la (thanks, im trying to 安慰 myself)

stayed in sch aft 5pm to do project.

tony buy muah chee to eat

i buy 6 coconut tutu kuehs !!!!!

tony very what leh. i take his muah chee eat he tell me i must pay him money. say what our frenship cheaper den e muah chee he buy. hahaha tony i want to slap u!!!!!!

tutu kueh is snack. i buy yong tau foo to eat after that.

n then i shared lontong with jane. n take fries fr serene to eat.
oh ya i got mention that i yest had a nightmare?i dreamt tat i ate too much chicken chops. den i dont know tio what illness. i v scared. tats y i ate yong tau foo today.

tony curse me. he say i will b e first one to kana e H5N1 virus.

tony's face on e right. i want to slap


aft that off to meet jeanie with jane n serene at toa payoh

went kiddy palace first while waiting for jeanie. i buy e caramel snack. damn sweet. bt nice! like sweet popcorn like that

serene n jane like it too!

monkey v cute. lets make it clap!


when jeanie came, we went to swensons, had ice cream. N i shared chicken wings with jane!!! i want to kill myself la

actually i really miss e days when i always hang out with jeanie. stick tog everyday in sch. i miss hving no one to go sch late with me, agree to eat breakfast with me when i want to skip sch(THOMSOM PRATA HSE n MINCED MEAT NOODLES, ), skipping lects and tuts with me, doing crazy tings with me n gg out to shop(window?) aft sch n just plain hanging out aft sch.

i miss e chomp chomp and e cw days when me, her n jeremy always laugh at other pp in isetan and e sneaking of food behind counter to eat.

i know jane misses too. everyth just feels diff this sem

tats why, sb n shu don quarrel anymore la. frens for so long already. no matter what its v wasted to ruin e frenship leh. lets all go out one day to hv steamboat n watch movie ok??

im looking forward to e morning swimming session with jane n jeanie tml(:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

introducing my claw project mates (note, team name: SLOWS)
our beloved SLONY! his pic good. u all can save it. not happy take out laugh ok! hehehe.

SLUYU! i dont want to put pic of her face. later she kpkb me. she nag really v fan one!!!!!

SLANE! tis jane siaoz de leh. i ask her whether she got nice pic of herself den she send me tis super long ago pic. wah liaoz. i tink tis pic take in first year de lor. chompchomp!!!

me! SLNGIE! chio pp dont always need to show face one. hehehe.

we everyth also v slow. esp in class. slack n damn slow. bt we v fast when class end. cfm e first to chiong out one. hahaha!

anw, today's afa presentation can die.
notes and laptop

before e presentation i was scanning thru e notes. i totally clueless. i really don like to do accounting projects. e numbers drive me crazy!

my feet hurts. i wore my sis' shoes. v pain sia. my feet rotting
e shoes rotting also. ugly and rotting

ok, so e presentation sucks. our info got prob and like kana condemn by e tutor. shu n me sianz diaoz.

had claw lesson aft tat. got back test paper
i shocked. i passed (its upon 40 btw). i mean it was my last paper n i tot i really blew it.

and claw was really boring. so off to e toliet! our fav place to take pics
i tink i look really fat leh
me, ym and jane!

anw sch is sianz de la. went to work aft tat. too free alr.
shu ate lunch with me n jeremy cos she got to wait for her dental appt.

she helped us took one pic. she v mafan. ask her to take tog she dont want.
liang li rite!

jeremy was smoking, and he took pretty random pics with my hp
but i lazy to post
jane also took random pics
but i also lazy to post
now 1am le la. i want to slp liaoz. tml 10am lesson. tax 2. can die. getting back test paper again!
self thought theory for e day: if i tie my hair up i tink my internals highlights will be more obvious. TELL ME THIS IS TRUE. hahaha!
i know, i will thank myself for this one day.
n hey, i understand why, i really do

Monday, June 25, 2007

this is what i had for lunch
den jane tempt me by saying she want bubble tea. so i also go n buy passion fruit ice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when will i stop eating chicken? i v scared of chicken leh. i think of eating chicken i want to puke. but den i really like chicken. v 乱 leh!!!!

today is IS lesson. 1 to 5.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was bored. really bored
i woke up n saw jane taking pics
so i entertained her and took with her
we look weird. face v big
shu didnt want to care abt us. she still continue to use laptop.
jane dont like to take pics alone. she very shy
some very random pics tat jane took with my hp
we were both charging hp. hey, we pay miscellaneous fees ok!
her hp. i also feel like changing to flip phone
slippers. v cute! i like!

i tink she tinks this shot v artistic
jane says she v ugly in tis pic. so i use red to color her face. liang li color!

NAH jane, i posted e random pics u took alr hor. dont say i nv!

i v sianz. tml afa presentation. our ppt still haven settled. alot of stuff still v cocked up. i cant find any shoes to go along with my outfit! arghhhhhhh

heh heh. i tink i want to go tat type 神秘感路线 alr. maybe i shd close down frenster and blog. be like jane. anw frenster also v boring. nth to do. blog v irritating. upload pics v mafan.

N SB, I V HAPPY FOR YOU OK! its like, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

i hate mornings
mornings are e worst

i used to be able to slp until like 4 in e aftnoon. no more now. i can suddenly just wake up anytime fr 3am to 7am. i also dont know for what. super the yizhen. den i slp back again. n wake up at 9am feeling weird. n empty !!!!!!!!!!!!

you tell me how jw is this. if i at night nv online i will slp latest by 1230. i everyday like slp alot. but at night still can slp punctually. sianz diaoz leh.

mornings sucks. mornings just sucks.

work v sianz. today jeremy and i ate malay rice. i swear i eat mlr one more time i will puke for u all to see. v erxin leh

den aft tat we took turns to nap. time still pass v slowly. today dont know why e time pass v slow. we were literally randomly selecting pp on msn to laugh at, while waiting for the time to tick (n he irritated me with his stupid xu yao ni)

now i got to do projects. i rot for 2 weeks haven started leh. i tink tis time i really die liaoz. 上天保佑我!

i tink tml when sch resume i will hv tings to occupy myself. maybe everyday will be v busy? i lined up 1 dinner or supper date on thurs n 1 dinner date on fri. hopefully i will hv e mood to go ahead with it.

blog v sianz. i abit sianz of blog. n i lazy to take pics. i dont want to entertain u all with my blog alr. mayb i will close down.
tis time is really record breaking leh.
not even 1 week.

Friday, June 22, 2007

i condemned e stupid bear to e storeroom, nv to see e light again
maybe when im free later i will go throw it

i cleared my inbox and saved messages

i want to throw away e pair of sandals tat i buy in charles and keith (damn it shd hv bought e other pair instead. shdnt hv listened. waste money)
but bo bian, now too broke cannot buy new pair so hv to keep first

i see e black bikini that i buy not long ago for swimming tucked away. rotting there. super fan. i want to throw also

i going to buy new makeup pouch. so i can throw away e stupid black pig pouch tat i once thought was v cute.

i threw away the stupid 'i miss you' monkey stamp
i also threw away e stupid small little box with plaster inside

everything throw throw throw!
i dont want to ask why anymore. no more whys! i shall focus on myself only!
i want to buy e 心想事成 vcd (u all buy for me)
i want to buy 甜甜圈 (u all queue for me)
i want to go zoo (u all go with me)
i want to go night safari (u all pay for me)
i want to go drinking (u all drink with me)
i want to try reverse bungee jumping at clarke quay (u all try with me)

everything that i wanted to do in e past and nv did hv e chance to do, i want to do. n i will pester. jeremy, sb, shu, tony n jane are all on my pestering list! hahaha!

sianz diaoz leh. sch resuming on mon alr. need to present afa, hand up claw, IB n wisp proj. everyone like v busy with projs. i see their msn nick all saying they got alot of projects, 1 down 2 to go that kind.
why my group like nth at all
we still happily like nth like that
nobody care at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

v fan. maybe later i shuang i go seesee looklook at e projects. i haven started on it leh. 祝我好运 ok!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

this morning had to go down to NP to sign 1 form for e attachment prog.
very e dds. only transfer e info over to another form n sign only. bug me to go down for so many days.

den on e bus, so cold la!
opened my bag n wanted to find sth to cover myself with
den i realised, 要的早就不在了.
nabeh, this type of feeling is super the yizhen and sianz diaoz one ok!

met cons n jo at bishan aft that.
cons is v shy. she dont like me to take her pic. haha!
i alr tell myself cannot eat chicken. but i really 忍不住. i ate chicken chop for my lunch again!!! help!!!!!!!!!!

anw, we went ard trying clothes aft tat
went to BYSI and cons ask me to try on one dress that she find v suitable for me.
hehe. look like those 英国小贵妇 rite!
called up shu n sb for an improntu dinner. wah, they v on leh! i so shocked n surprised (n touched). tat sb v dds. want what town area. in e end shu n i went down to tanjong pagar to find him first.

we sat outside capital tower to wait for him. got one stupid pond there. see alr v headache. so many balls of diff colors!

shu and i brought chocolate biscuits to eat.
i trying to act v chio and sexy while eating. got so many office guys. sure got 1 will take number fr me rite! hahaha!shu dont want to act with me. i tink she tink she is v chio.

when sb ended his wrk, i pester him with my 101 questions
me: 我穿这样亮丽吗?
sb: 不会
me: 真的 meh? 不会觉得比较美 meh?
sb: 真的不会啦!
me: 那你觉得怎样?
sb: 怪怪的 lor
but nvm, i shall forgive him cos he gave me alot of PC. hahaha!
jeremy today v fan. give me yizhen yizhen GC again. TIAM HOR!!! no more "we will be here , you have to help yourself" and "just learn to be happy, time will heal you"
i want to yizhen slap ok! always trying, never giving up on trying to be funny!

i tink sb's face more weird la!

we ate while waiting for tony to come. we literally ate fr daylight to dark lor. tat tony say hes on e way fr 6, and arrived at 8. i tink next time we must bomb n bomb his phone. every 15mins must call and remind him. he v jw!!!!

then we walked fr newton to orchard taka for tony to hv his dinner at mos. dds rite! celestian and yong an came over for awhile cos they were in e area too.

sb got to wrk on fri den no choice we let him go off at 10 while shu, tony n i walked over to far coast to hv a drink. tony go n buy what ice cocoa with white chocolate. says its supposed to life our spirits.

eh, i only find it sweet and nth else. haha!

i realised something. at e end of e day when everything is gone, only friends will be there waiting. dont worry i will keep on smiling(:

i want to ton! sb, tony n shu! when are u guys up to it! stupid sb! faster go check ur calender and tell me u next fri can club anot! n tony if cfm liaoz u dont last min dua. i will go ur hse n drag u out one hor!