Sunday, August 5, 2007

long overdue pictures

heh heh. finally i went to download picasa. n i no longer hv to upload pics 1 by 1!

durian pancake (DPC)

i super duper like!

pizza hut aft class again

taken like donkey weeks ago

yes i know i look ugly without makeup

went to violet for k with jeanie n her fren, racheal

violet is near chompchomp!

nice place. not too bad

e most recent steamboat session with ym, shu, jane n serene on wed aft sch.

had another one on thurs with jeanie n jason

really wan to puke at e mention of steamboat

kill me please. im fat

still, e collage tat i like e most is thiscos i tink its cute. hahaha!

hello jeremy!
no, i haven forgotten you. when im free i'l go down n eat mlr with you!

some pictures, i tink i hv to clear and delete alr
i was happily exploring picasa den i scroll n saw e pics
bam! caught me when i was unprepared
i alr say i tis year v suay liaoz
give me some luck please!!!

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