Thursday, August 30, 2007

its 2am now

in ard 6 hours time i will be leaving for e airport

alot of weird feelings

anticipitation, nervous, excited...etc

n yes jeremy,
it has been 3 long months of hell

3 months of telling each other to wake up
3 months of nagging u to go for sq interview
3 months of our yz and yz
3 months of mlr n pao pao
3 months of you tomenting me with XYN
3 months of our daily yz msgs
3 months of cheering and motivating each other up
3 months of analysing for each other
3 months of us hving to get used to being alone
3 months of telling each other that we will be okie
3 months of u listening to all my nonsense
3 months of me listening to your nonsense
3 months of us having to pick e pieces up ourselves

hahaha i may ask u to tiam or siam at times but ya, i will miss everyth when im over in shanghai(:

heh heh i miss everybody and my family too!
just read linda's blog. aww so sweet. HAHAHA
ya i know linda n jeanie both v worried i will lose my passport or myself over there. don worry i will take care of myself ok! and mommy please don worry abt me! i will take care of myself over there!

btw good luck to jane, shu, ym, joey n tony for their local attachment. will miss u guys. sorry to jane cos i cldnt wake up in time to acc u to deloitte):

i heard results coming out on 14sept
please 保佑我 pass all my papers
if not i got to fly back for e next sem to retake modules

if all goes well, see u guys in feb 08!

byebye singapore
hello to shanghai(:

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