Monday, August 6, 2007

fascinated with picasa

i purposely took alot of pictures yesterday so tat i can use picasa!

kbox n movie with e uglies

we watched alone. wah e ploy hor! v 看不开 leh. hahaha!

i went to cut my fringe yest. but e person like cut until v short. i v sad cos jean say when e wind blow e too short part will stand up. look like tweety bird

den she say my hair color, like chao ah lian like that. i really jw. i not chao ah lian la! i am princess 路线 ok!

v sianz. now 8am. got revision lect at 930am. i really tired.

nvm i shall go bath (n yes! brush teeth! teeheehee!) and prepare alr.


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