Wednesday, August 1, 2007


i nv mention e amount that i lost rite



put my bag in class and go toilet e money also can grow wings and fly away by itself when half of e class is still present

u tell me e class izit haunted la. nobody believe is kana stolen leh. half of e class still present inside the classroom when we go toilet. dont tell me i drop. cannot be i drop! i still got check and see 4 very crisp $50 notes inside my wallet when i was hving lesson

you all tell me la. where is 人性
where the hell did humantiy go

tink of the $200 i super dulan ok
i curse you!
hope u go take don noe what pill or cough med den u v happily climb up to a building, look at yourself and tot u r superwoman or batman, den jump down fr e building.

不爽 la 我不爽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我不要再 sway 了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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