Thursday, August 2, 2007

ideal wedding

jean, jason n i were discussing abt e ideal wedding

i decided tat i wan my wedding to be held at mac!
v cute leh!

don worry will hv 10 course dinner

1. appetiser- lettuce

2. 北京烤鸭- grilled chicken turnover/ grilled beef turnover

3. 鱼翅- fillet fish burger (no tata sauce on the burger. vinegar will be provided)

4. 虾酱鸡- mc wings

5. 佛跳墙- big mac. (hello got chicken thigh leh! high quality type. n e burger so big, got lettuce and tomato!)

6. 烤鸡- mcnuggets

7. chicken burger

8. 金条- fries

9. cheese burger

10. dessert- choice of sundae icecream, apple pie, apple dippers or mcflurry

drinks is free flow. u name it, we got it! choice of ice milo, coke, sprite, ice lemon tea, green tea, milk, ice water

SO CUTE! innovative!

jean's wedding, will be held at S11
she will treat 10 tables.
free flow of 菜饭

wah one person i tink at most can only eat like 5 bowls of rice n mayb 15 side dishes?

linda's wedding, hahaha we discuss and decide will be at void deck
she will give 1 person 1 packet of nasi lemak and 1 bottle of mineral water

CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! hahahahahhahahahaha!

what kind of wedding do u guys like! come on leh. share la. HAHAHA

and no, i haven forget. NABEH THE PERSON WHO STEAL MY MONEY 全家死光光!!!!!!!!!!

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