Tuesday, August 28, 2007

hello im back again!
haven been sleeping well for e past few days cos i hv been so busy

firstly, out to town with shu, ym n jean to buy formal wear
i buy only 2 sets of formal wear cos i couldnt really find anyth i like, shu uemura cleanser n la sen! heh heh

i want to complain e cleanser ar!

早知道 i buy e smaller bottle. $52 only! i went to buy e big bottle which costs me $128! even though its more worth and got give 1 small bottle extra but i really budget sia.

i tell u all i want to slap myself for making decisions on impluse! BOO!

den off to partyworld at night with jeremy, ah rong, queenie n jeanie (ps: jeanie went off halfway so theres no pics of her)

i v fan ah rong hor

why he take pics like to put put his face so close. v fan leh!

our 喜怒哀乐 for e night!

jeremy says my expression for 乐 doesnt cordinate with his. heh heh jeremy u no 默契 with me la! HAHAHA

sang till 1plus. den off to e kopitiam at cine there for supper

hehe artistic picture hor!

my supper buddies for e night!

ah rong out! hahaha. he got blog leh. wait i go find out his blog url den post it here ok. hehe

why jeremy's expression like that! (maybe he see his own reflection. HAHAHA)

oh bcoz he see all e food he want to puke

jeremy u don tink bcoz got pp say u 瘦了 den u gei siaoz see oily food muz 矜持 abit cannot eat hor. slap u den u know ar!
stupid pictures for e night
ah rong ask us climb on top n take

hahahaha reached home at 4 in e morning. i v scared leh now lunar seventh month!

now its 4.30pm. going to prepare soon to meet shu again to shop ard for formal wear

and yes,

ps: 3 more days. its fast..

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