Saturday, December 29, 2007

sick cat????????????

my account balance still zero!

2 days alr hor!

maybe 本小姐 nv 发威,they think i am 病猫

i hope the bank still open now
i wan to to go and 发威 and get my money back

a bunch of morons
moronic machines!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

china banks

i just came back fr e bank

and over at e china bank
i deposited 700 RMB into my china bank alc. first time using e deposit service

i got the shock of my life when i checked my alc balance n it turns out to be 0

nobody can joke ard with my money ok
not even atm machines!

so i chiong st up to e counter staff and told them abt it
luckily they say they will transfer e money back to me by tml evening

i hope they do
if not im going to make a big fuss there tml if i dont see my money!!!!!!!!!!!


out of boredom, i decided to give ZR's blog a chance

only 2 posts
bt nevertheless it reminded me of the many funny happenings during the period when we were all working together

e latest thing i heard about cw scotts is...
isetan is having private sales(again) today!


e funniest thing i heard aft leaving isetan is e g2000 guy

fr what i remember, this g2000 guy went to e supermarket at B1 at shaw hse and stole 1 packet of peanuts.
fr there he was handcuffed (i tink) and sent to the police station where ah rong was stationed at

i cw scotts ex employee
1 g2000 current(at tat point) employee

ZR: why u steal?
g2000: bcoz i forget to bring money down and i lazy to go back take

nothing tops this


i brought a watch yesterday!

the 日月 A. i chose a orange strap
60 SGD
heart pain

bt originally i wanted this :

signal. e top watch face
bt 80 SGD. i really can feel my heart wrenching in pain so i decided to give it a miss n get e 60SGD one instead

but now as i surf e website,
i think e 冬日恋曲 B and 格子情迷 B also very nice!

why doesnt money grow on trees?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

杭州 =)

i made a phone reservation for a hotel in hangzhou
168 RMB/night

e counter person told me tat 西湖 is just 5 mins walk away fr e hotel.
alot of pp has been telling me how beautiful 西湖 is. hope i dont get disappointed

just went to some place near my workplace to get e train tickets

i brought 810am tickets for 30 dec
上海南站 to 杭州站
i tink i will reach at 11am

my return ticket is on 31 dec
杭州站 to 上海南站
2.55pm. i guess i will reach at ard 5pm

e 2 tixs cost me 107 RMB

bah... im looking forward to tis trip
esp bcoz i will be going alone
dont know what hangzhou will bring
hopefully its good. hopefully i'l b recharged aft tis short trip

希望在那里可以找回我这些日子以来不见的东西 =)



life is never easy
living is an art

its just so diff to please everybody in work
its also diff to find a balance. with the good...comes the bad
it will nv be easy, when the whole naked truth is presented before your eyes

i need a getaway

hangzhou on sun alone
will be staying for e night
hopefully i'l return recharged, refreshed

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry merry christmas everybody!

and yes, i have not forgotten abt tis,

happy happy birthday to JEREMY! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

dong zhi!

im watching some jap movie

and shangzhao n kevin are in my room loading some soccer program to watch
they are super noisy. can even hear them when i hv my earphones on
can nv understand whats e hype with soccer

today is dong zhi
e day for eating tang yuan
cannot reunion tog with family. but got 2 noisy frens
no tang yuan, but got 旺仔小丸子!

Friday, December 21, 2007

friday is not my lucky day anymore:(

i just came back from lunch and i am so pissed off with myself

i went to the mall nearby with cathy after eating cos it was our routine to go walk around aft that
then we wanted to have ice cream. so she went to buy 2 ice cream cones fr anderson (choco yummy!) and i went to withdraw money

i withdrew 200rmb n just nice cathy came to look for me with e ice cream
so with 1 hand holding my ice cream cone, another hand holding my hp n wallet, i was pretty lazy to open my wallet n put e money in


n aft half hour i discovered my money missing!!!!
must be i nv push the money down my front pocket carefully den i walk walk walk and e money drop out!

i think i am very stupid and i deserve to be shot in the head
i think i am very stupid and i deserve to be shot in the head
i think i am very stupid and i deserve to be shot in the head

been chanting this for the umpteen time since i discovered my money missing
fri is supposed to be my lucky day!!!!

but nvm, bcoz i am a very optimistic person (who wont be aft losing 200 SGD in spore and somemore is misteriously disappear into thin air? plus not forgetting the stupid incident of losing my IC, cash of $80+ and bank card on e bus), i decided that losing money will be better than losing my posb bank card

luckily is e money 不见
if my posb bank card also decide to do disappearing act
i really will kill myself for u all to see

bcoz my 'salary' (or allowance as what NP says) is deposited into my spore bank alc =X


maybe i have the secretary face...
maybe i look easy to bully...

hello why you throw all your business expenses to me?!
i am only in charge of people cost expenses ok!
i dont noe how to do up e form for ur biz exps!
moreover im not e secretary of your direct boss!!!!!



Thursday, December 20, 2007

e season of giving and THINK HONGKONG

my vp got me a long sleeve top as a christmas present!

so nice of her!

i folded e wrapping paper nicely n kept it and the ribbon in one safe corner. hope i don forget e hiding place though. hehehe

i super e itchy fingers again


went to buy a pair of 羊毛手套 for 85 rmb!!!!!!!!!!!
still shop n shop when im so broke. boooo:(

btw you guys ready to THINK HONGKONG??
go !

Monday, December 17, 2007

formal invoices, receipts n debit notes!

what is a formal invoice?

what is a receipt?

what is a debit note?

i dont noe if e companies in spore operate e same way..but at least for my company, for any reimbursements, the employees will need to support with formal invoice. for all shops, normally when we buy food, they will only give us the receipt

take kfc for example
i went over to buy 5 boxes of nuggets for e bdae party tat i was organizing for e co n there wasnt even a receipt given. i had to specially request for a 发票.

n hor, e 发票 is handwritten somemore.

breadtalk also e same
they will give u receipt. or dont give you receipt.
bt they def will not give u e 发票, unless u ask for it

super troublesome!

i hv been receiving alot of weird expenses nowadays
weird nvm
don hv 发票!
give me receipts and debit note!

i want to faint
hv been making lots n lots of phone calls to request for 发票

金额是 $XXX
收件人请写: Angie
我洴给你吧:A, n 一个门 (m is 两个门), g, i, e

standard dialogue everyday

i hv a landlord calling me 小郭 when i told him my surname was 郭. from then on, he called me 小郭 whenever i call him to chase for invoices


not cute at all =.=

Sunday, December 16, 2007

the last...

we were on e bed side by side talking until we finally fell asleep

last min packing

went to xing wang to eat with wq, serene, sz n kevin. spend a total of 721Rmb, out of which 500Rmb was reimbursed. we ordered more than 10 dishes, had alot of bo luo buns n desserts.

that was the most enjoyable and relaxed dinner i had in e past 2 weeks

nope, i didnt cry. but i felt sad

just came back
i hv e room to myself now
1 person with everything in 2s is making me feel so alone

how i wish, i knew abt it earlier
mayb things wld hv been diff
可惜, 千金难买早知道

nevertheless, jiayou!
pls email me ok!
still e same old sentence. u know what i wan to say right...

ps: pls contact me at 13524856349. i used up e value in my prev card so i will top up for my prev card until i use up all e value in tis new card

pss: thanks to my family n frens who believed and supported me thru e whole episode. i love you guys, and im glad to have you guys(:

Friday, December 14, 2007


- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
elloz =)

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:

- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
so free?

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
haha. quite lor. u also what. can find me chat

- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
u so far ma

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
haha. far meh? u pay $1000 u can see me liaoz what. muahahaha

- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
u sound like some animal from the zoo
- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
pay to see u
- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:
do i get to feed u too?
- t.O.n.Y - I swear I could touch the sky.. says:

安琪/ [tv addict; yuan chang!] says:
excuse me. i meant air ticket ok! hahaha

when it feels like my whole world is crashing down on me,
i wish i hv wings so that i can fly back to spore
i wish i can slp on forever and not wake up
i wish i can just hide myself in the comfort of my family and frens

so many things happened in the past 1 week
i dont know who to trust
and who not to trust

during this kind of moments, i wonder
did i make a right decision in coming over to shanghai for oiap?
maybe not

Thursday, December 13, 2007


mango is having sales now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

god, please bestow money to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


today i was late for wrk
cos i took a damn bloody cab to wrk
e cab took me 1 hr 10mins n costs me 54RMB

n then e cab driver was asking me all sorts of qns aft knowing tat im fr spore
ask me e population size, former prime minister, independence date, date when e mrt was built, how to apply to b a permanent resident..etc

all e date hor, i dont really rmb
so i 大概大概 bomb a date n figure for him
i hope i don throw spore face...



Monday, December 10, 2007

moreee options

I was discussing with sb online about ACCA

And we came to the conclusion that ACCA is really expensive. Think 1 module is $460, excluding revision lecture. And if we get exemption, we have 10 modules, meaning we have to prepare around $6000+. If no exemption, we have 14 modules, and we will have to prepare 7000+

So I went on to consider my second option, human resource

I used to think that HR is useless, nothing much to do type. But my attachment taught me otherwise. Being posted to the regional human resource department I think is one of the luckiest thing that happened in my whole 3 years of poly life

Its not everyday I can get to handle housing and other benefits for all the expatriates, organize birthday parties every month for the employees, filling tax and speaking on the phone(in Chinese somemore!) with landlords and agents to push them for invoices.

But sadly, I surf the net for human resources uni degrees and I think human resources is only an elective in the business degree.

That was before I came across this on the MDIS website:

Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
(Recognised by Southern Cross University, AUS)

Structure & Duration:
• Duration of 9 months. Two modules in semester 1 and three modules in semester 2.
• Interested applicants can also enrol on a modular basis for the acquisition of
knowledge in a particular area of study.

Admission Criteria:
• Degree / Diploma from a recognised university or institution and have preferably 2 years of working experience.
• Students who enrol and attend only certain modules for the acquisition of
knowledge are not required to meet the above minimum entry requirements.

Administrative Details:

Mode of Study- Evening Programme

Class Intake for 2008 March and September
Application Processing Fee
S$ 30.00* (Non-refundable)

Course Fee
By Full Payment : S$ 3,500.00*
By 2 Instalments : S$ 3,700.00*

Closing Date
2 weeks before commencement of the course or when the class is full.

Course Curriculum:
• Employee Relations
• Human Capital Management
• Organisation Development
• Organisational Behaviour
• Managing Compensation & Benefits

im really interested in the managing compensation & benefits
but MDIS..... 读了文凭有用的吗?
only got evening class. very the sianz
somemore must pay 3500++! might as well go save money and take ACCA right!
and.... what is a graduate diploma?

falling in love with...

serene has been telling me to go study full time ACCA with her after our attachment ends

but.. im still considering
cos i dont know if im up to it
and the fees... are not cheap

i think most likely i will just get a job after e attachment ends. and if im still interested, theres always part time ACCA right?

anw i have been watching vcds for my last weekend. n last last weekend. n last last last weekend. such a lazy bum!

i think i...
i think i am...
i think i am falling in love with...

andy lau

muahahaha! cos i re-watched all his old shows. damn nice!

Friday, December 7, 2007


yesterday on my way home, i saw e 3 men whom i mentioned in a previous blog entry abt them getting water from the red pipe

this time
im really amazed by them
i think my eyeballs almost drop out

they were bbq-ing on e side of e road using just some charcoal which they laid on the ground!

i peifu them hands down

sidenote: Jeremy is away to HongKong on vacation today!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

shipping costs:(

i thought of shipping part of my stuff back to spore
so i went to the DHL website to see see look look

i anyhow navigate
den i choose what jumbo junior box and 20kg allowance (10 for me n another 10 for serene)
1100+ RMB

i hope is i stupid
choose e wrong option
mayb e correct one cheaper

if not
kill me please:(