Sunday, July 22, 2007


IS modules are useless. IS modules every semester are useless

waste of time. crap. bullshit

this semester is ending in like 2 weeks. n then exams.

i really don like writing stupid reflections for IS modules.
minimum of 500 words each. n my both my IS modules need to submit it

Give three learning points that you have gathered from this module and show how these learning points have broadened your perspective? In what ways has your perspective of the world and/or Singapore changed? Substantiate your work with examples taken from your personal experiences, global events, and / or local happenings.

shut up ok. i didnt learn anything fr WISP, my perspective wasnt broadened and im not interested in sharing my personal experience also.
i managed to squeeze out 400 words for it.
min 500
but i really bth liaoz. so i bo hiew n send in

With regards to people management, discuss what are your key strengths and weaknesses and how do you measure up as a future manager?

ans: I think my key strength lies in me being able to put myself in the shoes of my subordinates. I can relate myself to the people working with me and I will know what they want. Good performance will be rewarded while bad performance will be reprimanded. I think I will be a very good manager

i tink my ans very qian pp slap. i see alr i also want to slap. epm also v irritating. got 3 stupid qns. shut also ok. i really not interested in discussing abt my personal strengths. i dont know what a good manager need to possess la. and NO, i didnt learn anyth fr it either and im not interested to share!

IS super bo liaoz. finally. tml last lesson for IS. thank god

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