Friday, July 13, 2007


damn it

our claw proj damn screwed up. e claw tutor deduct our marks over small small details like font size n nv hand up e article. excuse me, we use arial 12 ok!

v fan la. e claw tutor still say our application n stuff got prob. contradicting. i tink is his english got prob. where got diff to understand! i mean i don really understand e nexus between e irregularity and alleged injustice but thats abt all what! n u all tell me, got such a thing as quoting too much law principles? if miss out, den u say not enough. write too much den u kpkb say include too much. WHAT YOU WANT!

i super sianz diaoz with someone. you know who you are.

u were e one who say u don want to sacrifice sleep for project de hor. don bcoz e grades come out like that, den u kpkb say u shd b e one doing e section tat carry e most marks. u tell me la, who say understand e article den in end i ask wads e article abt, n can only tell me first 5 points?! who were e ones who explained e whole article to u? E WHOLE OF 60 POINTS?! WHO WERE E ONES WHO STAYED UP LATE AT NIGHT WHILE U WENT TO SLEEP COS U DIDNT WANT TO SACRIFICE SLEEP OVER PROJECT?! IS SHUYU AND ME OK. can u pls search ur conscience first. don come n say rubbish ok.

tues presentation. i tink die alr. cfm is kana shoot n shoot.

still got ib presentation on wed n audit presentation on thurs to clear
n i haven started on it yet

i alr feel v jw liaoz
now i feel MORE N MORE jw

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