Tuesday, July 3, 2007

yes i passed my afa! i passed all my 4 papers!! cheers(:
in afa n claw class. as usual i was charging phone. n my table seems v empty rite? hahaha. e notes i borrow fr ym one
by contrast, ym so hardworking

let u all see something scary
serene's blue black! eeeeeeeeee.

some super random pics.
i know i look damn fat. is e angle la! angle!

im making myself comfortable in class

ok, mayb too comfortable. my legs look FAT

speaking of legs, tony v qian bian

tony: 你有 wax 你的脚 ar?
me: 没有 la!
tony: 好看 leh, 很像很滑
me: ...
tony: 可惜,你的脸是你的致命伤
me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

super feel like slapping him. super super!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr

off to pizza hut for lunch aft cls
we were discussing e bible. n (gasp!), i borrowed e bible fr serene to read. hope got interesing story if not i will just slp

we ordered hawaiian stuff crust n seafood regular pan pizza. i really like e stuff crust. e cheese got weird taste, but v nice! (same theory as e mac fish fillet burger got fishy taste, bt v nice la!)

project discussion aft lunch!

shu's laptop crashed. v jialat. hahaha. seriously i tink ibm v jw. i v worried for my laptop

by e time we finished discussing project, we had dinner again!!!!

i am damn predictable

ok, sianz diaoz. 12am alr. i haven started on my ib ppt which is due to b presented tml!!!

n i got a claw report due on fri. i kana e most diff part. e legal principles, application, conclusion n how e judge applied e law to e case (or sth like that, cant rmb)

anw, got to start on my project soon

n sometimes i wonder, what are you doing right now?

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