Wednesday, January 23, 2008

typical questions and snowwwwwwwwwwww

had lunch with my dept yesterday

they asked me alot of qns
e typical 'what was ur expectation on wrking in china?', 'what did u learn aft wrking in HR'..etc

typical qn 1: what did u miss e most about singapore?
ans: e weather

i think they think im an idiot

lin said she dont on e heater at home (pei fu pei fu)
i one day nv on e aircon in my room to blow hot air i will freeze to death
and she also open e window cos she like ventilation or sth like that (pei fu until 五体投地)

typical qn 2: what will you miss the most about shanghai when you go back?
ans: independency

this sparkled off a talk abt mothers' 夺命连环 call

what time will u b coming home?
coming back for dinner?
aiya don eat why nv say earlier! i cook ur share alr!

mothers treat their children like small kids. no matter how old they r.
sorry mom but i 举双手双脚赞成! (hehehe)

i walked under snow yest!
e snow is not that kind in e winter sonato one, big big n everywhere white white
is those v small type. wont really notice one

now i noe, those what korea, jap n taiwan drama always shoot until got snow v nice, walk in e snow v romantic..etc, is bullshit

snow = water = feels like small drizzle
luckily dont hv those big big type of snow. if not hv to carry umbrella out. so troublesomeeee!

countdown: 2 weeks 2 weeks!

oh and i got myself a facebook alc
pathetic alc with pathetic 8 frens in it
i get a headache with all e so many functions
come come add me!
i lazy to navigate ard to add frens. hahaha

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