Wednesday, January 16, 2008


today when i was takin e train home i saw tis man sitting infront of me digging his nose

super erxin
if i hv a boyfriend like him i will use a knife n stab myself right in e heart immediately

i tink i today v suay

e lift hor, don noe y, stop at e 12th floor dont wan to come down
damn it i live at e 13th floor leh
no choice hv to climb e stairs up

i dont know i how many donkey years nv do exercise liao
i climb until i wanna die sia
now i appreciate e convenience of living on a lower level floor

den e light at e staircase hor, is those auto sensor one
bt i feel like slapping pp bcoz apparently some of e sensors on some floors were spoilt bcoz no matter how hard i clap also no light

i alr decided tat i gg to scold e hell out of whoever whos playing e stupid prank

but when i reach e 12th floor
i v sian

nobody was pressing e button
e life was wide open


i wanted to go n see izit sth stuck at e life door there or what
den i stop myself. better dont kpo
cos i suddenly rmb serene say before she 'see' a small little girl wearing red 'standing' at e balcony area in our house
i tink its true tat curosity kills e cat
so i chant 南摩阿弥陀佛 and climb e remaining stairs up using e fastest speed

wq, sz n kevin reached home 15mins later than me
n they say e lift is perfectly fine. nth wrong

thats y i always say tuesday is my unlucky day
n heng ar, i nv go n kpo....

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